tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/26

今日のボヤキ 3/26





















English edition


Today's Blur 

Today's blabbermouth is about car licenses around the world.

In Japan, you can only drive if you are 18 years old, but is there any difference compared to other countries?


The age for obtaining a driver's license in Japan was set at 18 in 1903 under Japan's first automobile license system, the "Regulations for the Control of Ride-On Motor Vehicle Business. Later, the age of obtaining a driver's license was lowered to 15 years old due to the Pacific War, but it was still 18 years old in accordance with the "Road Traffic Control Law" enacted in 1947.

The Road Traffic Control Law, on which the current Road Traffic Law is based, follows the provisions set forth in the Geneva Convention on Traffic.

The Geneva Traffic Convention stipulates that "the minimum age for driving a motor vehicle shall be 18 years of age" for issuing an international driver's license.

However, the Geneva Convention is only a regulation for international driver's licenses, and each country sets its own minimum age for obtaining a driver's license.


The United States of America is the country with the widest range of licensable ages. In the U.S., many states allow drivers to obtain a driver's license at the age of 16, and it is a fact that American high school students drive to school, as shown in movies and foreign dramas.

In addition, some states allow driving under the age of 16. In California, the age is 15 years and 6 months. Illinois is 15 years old. In states such as Iowa, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska, you can obtain a provisional license at the age of 14 or 14 years and 6 months.

However, all states have requirements such as being accompanied by a parent or guardian, time zone restrictions, and areas where you can drive until you turn 18, and you cannot travel freely. In Washington D.C., the capital of the United States, a provisional license can be obtained at the age of 16, but a full license can only be obtained at the age of 21.


We believe that a major issue will be the extent to which criminal penalties can be imposed on those who are "responsible." It seems to me that issues such as lowering the age of adulthood and issues related to juvenile law cannot be resolved on their own.

What I think is that if we are going to set a lower limit, we might as well set an upper limit.

There are accidents caused by inexperienced drivers, but there are also many accidents caused by elderly drivers who make a wrong step, and I think it is necessary to take countermeasures against such accidents.

In terms of "liability," there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two.

With the aging of society, risk management by the government and public administration will probably become more important.

今日のボヤキ 3/25

今日のボヤキ 3/25



















English edition


Today's blurbs 

Today's blurb is about the unfamiliar "study abroad in preschool.

When you hear the word "study abroad," do you mean overseas? I think that many people think that

How can you go abroad at such a young age? However, in this case, it is not overseas, but rather a short-term migration from the city to the countryside to experience nature firsthand.

Many people seem to be interested in the educational environment in their childhood, as it will have a great influence on them later in life.


When it comes to "educational migration," which is often heard of these days, it is usually difficult due to work and family commitments. For those who have doubts about the current child-rearing environment but cannot find a realistic solution, "preschool study abroad" to the town of Atsusawabe, Hiyama-gun, Hokkaido, is slowly gaining attention now.

Families stay in the town for one to three weeks, with the children attending a local nursery school and experiencing things such as contact with nature that are not possible in the city. Parents can also work remotely from a short-term residence. On holidays, families can enjoy the local lifestyle by harvesting vegetables, cycling, etc.


First of all, it is important to let people know about it.
To begin with, many people outside of the town do not know about the town, even if we advertise their immigration to the town. That is why we thought it was important for them to get to know the town through the Nursery School Study Abroad Program. If they think of this town as their second home, it could lead them to order local products and travel to the town."

However, for the town, "educational migration," which is aimed at complete immigration, would be a better solution to the depopulation problem than a nursery school program aimed at a short-term stay.

Mr. Kiguchi said, "Studying abroad in preschools does not directly lead to a solution to the depopulation problem. But if the economic effect of short-term visitors leads to local revitalization, the happiness of local people will increase," he believes.

Population growth is not the only solution to the depopulation problem. It would be nice if we could increase the population immediately by trying to increase the population, but the problem is not that simple. I believe that one solution in the depopulation problem is to revitalize the town and increase the level of happiness of the local people."


It may be urban in terms of the living environment of the parents, but it may be an essential piece for the growth of the children. I think there are things that can be expanded even at a young age by being exposed to values, ways of thinking, and other things that are different from the norm.

As the concept of studying abroad is changing, moving to the countryside for a short period of time is a new option, not only for children, but also for various purposes, such as to broaden one's horizons or to refresh oneself.