tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/17
















担当者「受験生向けの応援商品の販売を開始したのは、2003年12月です。以降、毎年12月ごろに発売し、在庫がなくなり次第、販売終了します。直近ですと、2021年12月に、紅白による縁起のよさから、『キットカット ミニ 紅白パック』を発売したほか、過去には、“いい予感”とかけて『キットカット ミニ 伊予柑いよかん)』、外袋を折ることでお守りが作成できる『キットカット ミニ 応援メッセージパック』などを販売してきました」
















English edition


Today's blurbs

Today's blabbermouth is a story about sweets that are often used during the exam season to pray for success.


The Origin of the Kit Kat Name

The name "KitKat" comes from the meat pies sold at the diner owned by Christopher Cutt in London.

The meat pies served at this restaurant were lamb pies.

The nickname for "Christopher" was "Kit" and the meat pie was called "Kit Kat" after Mr. Christopher Kat.


The name is derived from the Kyushu dialect, "surely win and o

Q. Why is Kit Kat so popular among students preparing for entrance exams? How did it become popular and what did you do to make it popular?

Manager: "It all started in the late 1990s, when our sales representatives began to report that Kit Kat was selling like hotcakes in Kyushu every January. At first, we didn't pay much attention to it, but when we actually looked into it, we found out that students in Kyushu were buying Kit Kat to pray for good luck, because the pronunciation of "Kit Kat" is similar to that of the Kyushu dialect phrase "Kitto katsu-too" (I will definitely win). Later, the trend of purchasing Kit Kat as a good luck charm for entrance exams spread nationwide by word of mouth.

In response to this, in 2003, we began selling Kit Kat with the auspicious message, "Kit, Sakura saku yo. Since 2003, Kit Kat has been distributed free of charge at hotels where students are staying for entrance exams, and the company also provides a service to guide students on their way to the exam venue in cooperation with railroad companies and cab companies. ).


Q. Every year, as the exam season approaches, Kit Kat products with cherry blossoms and messages of support for students are put on sale. When do you start selling these limited edition products every year, and what kind of design do you use?

The person in charge said, "We started selling support products for students preparing for entrance exams in December 2003. Since then, we have been selling them around December every year, and sales will end as soon as we run out of stock. Most recently, in December 2021, we launched "Kit Kat Mini Red and White Pack" because of its red and white color that brings good luck. Kit Kat Mini Cheering Message Pack," which can be folded to create a good-luck charm.


Kit Kat was born as the first snack that could be eaten easily, and it is still loved even today. I had no idea that it was the dialect that sparked the boom. I think there may be business opportunities lying in unexpected places.


Q. Why is ramune so popular among students preparing for exams among all the other snacks? Please tell us how it became so popular.

A: "We believe that the main reason why our ramune is popular is that it is a tasty and easy way to consume glucose. After that, Morinaga Ramune became a tool for students to replenish their sugar intake during daily study and before exams.

Later, in 2018, we launched "Large Grains Ramune" (the grains are 1.5 times larger than those of "Morinaga Ramune"), which has become a popular product.

Q. Do you think that ramune is really effective for brain activity?

A.: "We conducted a clinical trial in 2020 and found that a single intake of ramune snacks improved scores of 'working memory' (memory for temporarily retaining information when performing cognitive tasks such as understanding and reasoning) and 'sustained attention', which are part of cognitive functions. In this way, we are working to further increase the value of Ramune by also conducting scientific verification.

Q. Is there a difference in the purchasing base between regular size Morinaga Ramune and large size Ramune?

A. "Many women with small children buy Morinaga Ramune. Since they are easy to open and close with the cap, they are used not only as a snack at home but also as a snack when going out.

On the other hand, 'large ramune' is mainly purchased by students and business people for the purpose of eating when they need a quick refreshment or to concentrate while studying or working.


The ramune boom is more recent than I thought. You see it written in big letters on the package. Glucose is a nutrient for the brain, and it is believed to directly refresh the brain. It might be a good idea to inoculate yourself at the beginning of the day.