tomoki0kun’s diary











湖池屋は3月3日、5年保存できるポテトチップス「KOIKEYA LONG LIFE SNACK(6缶セット)」を再発売すると発表した。災害時の非常食としての購入を見込んでいる。

 同商品のセット内容は、「プライドポテトひとくちカット 神のり塩」(1缶43g)、「じゃがいも心地 厚切りひとくちカット オホーツクの塩と岩塩」(1缶55g)、「スティックカラムーチョ ホットチリ味」(1缶55g)がそれぞれ2缶ずつ。価格は1980円(送料別)となっている。同社の公式オンラインショップにて販売する。








English edition


Today's blurbs 3/13

Today's blurbs are about "disaster emergency rations" that could happen at any time.

Many people may have an image of emergency rations as hard and not very tasty, made of dry bread and other foods with water removed as much as possible.

Emergency rations are evolving day by day, but if we can create a little peace of mind in times of disaster among them....

This time, it seems that KOIKEYA, famous for its potato chips, will be re-releasing potato chips for use in times of disaster.




On March 3, KOIKEYA announced the re-launch of KOIKEYA LONG LIFE SNACK (set of 6 cans), potato chips that can be stored for 5 years. The company expects consumers to purchase these chips as emergency rations in times of disaster.

KOIKEYA will re-release potato chips that can be stored for 5 years.
 The product set includes two cans each of "Pride Potato Hit Bite Cut Jin Nori Salt" (43g per can), "Potato Heart: Thick Cut Hit Bite Cut Okhotsk Salt and Rock Salt" (55g per can), and "Stick Karamucho Hot Chili Flavor" (55g per can). The price is 1980 yen (excluding shipping fee). The products will be sold through the company's official online store.

 The company explains the background behind the development of the product: "With the recent increase in large-scale disasters, the importance of food in times of disaster is being reevaluated. We were conscious of the taste of potato chips, which we are accustomed to eating on a daily basis, and of a design that fits comfortably into our daily lives. We wanted to add not only the functional aspect of emergency food, but also the emotional value of 'a moment of relief' as one of the food options for disaster reserves.


In times of disaster, especially with small children, it is difficult to wipe away the anxiety, and perhaps there are situations where it is difficult to interact with them because you are too occupied with your own affairs.

At such times, it would be nice if sweets could help us forget that reality, even if only for a moment, and regain some time to calm our minds and hearts on a daily basis.

Other companies even offer such things! Japanese companies are focusing on emergency rations in a country where natural disasters are so great, so please be prepared.