tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/29

今日のボヤキ 3/29




ノマドワーカー 01のイラストサンプル


ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(以下、USJ)」を運営するユー・エス・ジェイは、ユー・エス・ジェイ式 観光マーケティング学」プロジェクトを4月から発足すると発表した。日本の観光業を担う人材育成を推進することが狙い。

 同社はこれまで「大阪府育英会USJ奨学金制度」など、間接的に教育・人材育成に関わる取り組みを強化してきた。ユー・エス・ジェイ式 観光マーケティング学」プロジェクトでは、4月に開学する大阪公立大学における通年講義を開始する。同社が教育・人材育成に直接的に取り組むのは初めてとなる。








English edition


Today's Blurbs 

Today's blurb is about USJ's new strategy.

Will marketing be essential in the future to meet consumer expectations?

The time is approaching when companies themselves will develop their own human resources, not just school studies.


USJ, the operator of Universal Studios Japan (USJ), announced that it will launch the "USJ-style Tourism Marketing Studies" project in April. The aim of the project is to promote the development of human resources which will play a leading role in Japan's tourism industry.

 The company has been strengthening its efforts in education and human resource development indirectly through the "Osaka Prefectural Scholarship Society USJ Scholarship Program" and other programs. The "USJ-style Tourism Marketing Studies" project will begin with year-round lectures at Osaka Public University, which will open in April. This will be the first time for the company to directly engage in education and human resource development.

The company will directly instruct students on the tourism and marketing know-how that USJ has accumulated over the years. Specialists in specialized fields such as "tourism consumer insight" and "tourism branding" will be invited as lecturers.


As tourism is attracting attention and is predicted to continue to grow, many people may choose to specialize in something rather than studying at school.

If something like Oriental Land, which operates Disney, enters the market to compete with USJ, they will start to develop human resources more and more!

Maybe the content of school studies will become more practical.