tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 5/25

今日のボヤキ  5/25






アメリカの宇宙開発企業「Orbital Assembly(オービタル アッセンブリー)」が、観光客用の宿泊施設を備えた2つの宇宙ステーションの建設を予定している。

以前にもお伝えしていた『Voyager Stationボイジャーステーション)』は、2027年の開業予定となり、400人が収容可能。一方、規模は縮小されるが、28人収容の新たな『Pioneer Station(パイオニア ステーション)』は、わずか3年後の2025年には運用開始が可能だという。「Orbital Assembly」のCEOであるTim Alatorre(ティム・アラトーレ)はこの『Pioneer Station』について「より多くの人がより早く宇宙を体験できるようになる機会を得るでしょう」とコメント。また『Pioneer Station』では、人口の重力を搭載しているそうで、ゲストは地球上と変わりなく移動できるとのこと。






English edition


Today's blabbermouth is about cutting-edge technology.

Have you ever thought that you would like to go to space?

The day when civilians can fly into space is just around the corner!


Orbital Assembly, an American space development company, is planning to build two space stations with tourist accommodations.

The "Voyager Station," which we previously reported on, is scheduled to open in 2027 and will accommodate 400 people. On the other hand, the new "Pioneer Station," which will be smaller in size but will have a capacity of 28 people, could be operational in 2025, just three years later. Tim Alatorre, CEO of Orbital Assembly, commented that the Pioneer Station "will give more people the opportunity to experience space sooner. He also said that the "Pioneer Station" will be equipped with population gravity, allowing guests to move around no differently than they would on Earth.


I also work part-time at a hotel, and it seems we are talking about different worlds, even though we are in the same industry. It also seems that gravity can be artificially manipulated, so it may not be a dream to emigrate to another planet.

If gravity can be manipulated, will the demand for space food decrease because the same thing will be possible on the space station? We will keep an eye on the future trends in this area.