tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 8/13








































English edition


I've been trying to keep my antenna up lately, but I can't seem to find a good topic... I think the coronavirus and the worsening international situation may be one of the reasons for this.

Well, when I don't want to do anything, Tiktok and YouTube are the two best things to do nowadays. They're great for those few spare moments, aren't they?

Did you know that they work in a similar but very different way?

Did you know that the two are very similar, but they are very different?


YouTube and TikTok - their respective strengths

The strengths of YouTube are that, as mentioned above, it is highly effective for advertising and, compared to other media, it is easier to achieve goals such as increased awareness and sales promotion.

If a company is operating a channel, it is possible to expand recognition of the company and promote the products and services it handles.

Individuals can also expect to generate income through the formation of their own fans, subsequent sales of goods, and project income.

In this way, YouTube's unique strength is that it is also actively used in the business scene.


TikTok's strength lies in its ability to reach a very wide audience.

The main feature of TikTok is that viewers do not spontaneously select videos as they do on YouTube, but rather choose interesting videos from a stream of videos.

Videos posted on TikTok, no matter what type of video they are, will first appear in the 'recommendations' section at least once, so whether or not viewers find them interesting is crucial to the growth of the video.


How TikTok's recommendations display and how it differs from other social networking sites

To understand TikTok's algorithm, you first need to understand how the TikTok feed works. This is because differences in feed mechanics can affect how popular content is.

TikTok feeds work differently from Twitter and Instagram.
Twitter uses a 'flow-type' feed where the concept of time exists and real-time is required.

Instagram is 'stock-type', which is suited to content that is viewed over and over again.

Both flow- and stock-type content is arranged in chronological order, so it may not appear on the timeline until several months have passed since the post was made.

TikTok, on the other hand, uses a 'loop type' with no time concept.
The "loop type" is characterized by the fact that past videos are played repeatedly. It is possible to watch videos over and over again and interesting content will appear on the feed screen over and over again.

Understanding the characteristics of TikTok is essential to understanding the algorithm, so be sure to keep this in mind.



How buzz happens even if you have zero followers
TikTok has a system that allows you to get buzz even if you have zero followers. No matter who posts the video, it will be test-streamed to around 300 users who are not followers of your account and have nothing to do with it at all and will get around 300 views.

If the test feed gets a lot of likes, completions, comments, and shares, TikTok's AI decides that it's a 'valuable video' and it will now be distributed to more users' recommendation feeds.

If the video is recommended and viewers respond well, it will be exposed to TikTok users' recommendation feeds and the number of views will increase, from 1,000 views to 3,000 views, to 10 million views, and so on.

If the video stops growing at around 200 to 300 views, it is not popular with TikTok users at all.


TikTok uses its own algorithm to display videos.
The TikTok official does not indicate what metrics are used. Currently, the following six items are considered important.

Viewing completion rate
Viewing time
Reactions (likes and comments)
Number of shares
Number of multiple views
Several views of the same account's videos.


With the above in mind, it is easy to see why social network marketing is changing from Instagram to TikTok these days. The new advantage is that anyone can get started with minimal preparation.

TikTok has also recently announced that the top few percent will be paid a fee based on the number of views of their videos, and it is expected that the way it is used and the audience will change from entertainment tools to a marketing tool in the future.