tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 8/16





 もともと救急隊のコンビニ利用を禁じる規則はないが、福田哲也消防局長は「私用と思われるのではと、ためらうこともあった」と説明。会見で現場の状況を知ってもらうとともに、今後店の利用時は車両の見える場所に「水分補給中 トイレ借用中」と書いた紙を置く。





English edition


With coronary infections at a high level recently, emergency workers have no time to rest, even in this extremely hot weather.

Under such circumstances, a press conference in which the emergency services asked for understanding of the use of convenience stores attracted a lot of attention.


There are 18 ambulances in constant operation, and although the number of dispatches during normal times is about 3.1 cases per ambulance per day, the number has increased sharply to about 6 cases per day since the latter half of July. However, since the latter half of July, the number of dispatches has increased to approximately 6.
 Although there is no regulation that prohibits the use of convenience stores by emergency response teams, Fire Bureau Chief Tetsuya Fukuda explained, "We sometimes hesitated to use them because we were afraid that they would think we were using them for personal reasons. In addition to making them aware of the situation at the scene at the press conference, a note will be placed where they can see the vehicles when they use the convenience store in the future.
 In late July, the Saitama City Fire Department posted a message on Twitter, "Give the emergency medical team time to eat! on Twitter in late July. The post drew attention by asking for understanding that emergency crews purchase food and beverages at convenience stores.


I am surprised that they are being called out on the Internet and in various other quarters for not going this far, but I am grateful that they are working under such harsh conditions, and the most important thing is to prevent the number of people infected with corona from increasing, but it is difficult in some aspects, so I will do my best to cooperate with them.