tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 8/18







 ショナ・ロビソン(Shona Robison)社会正義担当相は「生理用品の無償提供は、平等と尊厳に欠かせないものだ。生理用品を手に入れる上での経済的障壁を取り除く」と述べ、「世界で初めてこうした行動に出る政府となれることを誇りに思う」と語った。















English edition


Today's topic is one small step toward "correcting the disparity".

When most people hear the word "disparity," they tend to think of something quite grandiose and that it will take a great deal of time, money, and effort to correct it. It takes a lot of time, money, and effort to correct it...?

Or that the government has to make a bill and do a lot of other things to achieve gender equality! What do you think?




On the 15th, a law requiring the provision of free sanitary products will come into effect in Scotland, England, for the first time in the world. According to the government's announcement on the 14th, local authorities and educational institutions will be required to provide sanitary products free of charge to all those who need them.

 Free sanitary products are essential for equality and dignity," said Shona Robison, Minister of Social Justice. We are proud to be the first government in the world to take this action," she said.


The menstrual cup brand Intimina surveyed 2,000 women through market research firm OnePoll to calculate how much the average woman spends on tampons and sanitary pads.

The amount of money a woman spends on sanitary products during her lifetime is 1,450 yen per month, or about 700,000 yen for her entire reproductive period (12-52 years old).

This would explain why more than half of the women who participated in the survey said they had already experienced "period poverty.

Sixty percent of the respondents have included sanitary products in their monthly budgets, and 79% have had the bitter experience of sacrificing something else or going without in order to buy sanitary products. And the majority of these women believe that the government should set up a system to provide free sanitary products at schools and workplaces.

As far as we can tell from our survey, many women feel that sanitary products are too expensive," says Danella Zagal of Intimina, "and this is, of course, an economic issue.

'This can lead to financial problems, of course, but also to emotional stress, which can lead to health problems and lack of self-esteem.'

In some countries and regions, there is also the problem of the lack of access to sanitary products themselves.

Even though the world has developed economically to this point, there are still hundreds of thousands of women who do not have access to sanitary products."


Bullying and inequality are caused by the accumulation of smaller problems rather than larger ones. The fact is that even a disparity of this magnitude in terms of Japanese yen leads to a much larger disparity between rich and poor in other countries.

The welfare state is not only a welfare policy of handing out money, and I believe that the provision of goods to support daily life will also be a major source of strength for consumers.