tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 8/20

























English edition


The difficulty of human relationships has not changed from childhood to adulthood.

Bullying, in particular, is a social issue, but I think we are still at the stage of exploring the extent to which the outside world should intervene.

It is difficult to legally adjudicate the cases of ostracism and bad language, and it may be even more difficult to hold a person legally responsible if he or she is a minor.




Bullying and the Law

When it comes to bullying and the law, many people associate bullying with violence and other criminal acts. However, bullying and crime are two different things.

The legal definition of bullying is that it is bullying if the victim feels uncomfortable. The importance of how the victim feels is the same as in sexual harassment and power harassment. And just as a company has a supervisory responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment and power harassment do not occur, schools have a responsibility to guide students to ensure that bullying does not occur. This is the first part that needs to be understood.

Although bullying is not the same as a crime, it is, of course, bullying and a crime. This is true, for example, when you hit someone and injure them. On the other hand, there are many forms of bullying that do not constitute crimes, such as acts that do not constitute violence.

For example, ignoring someone in a group is not a crime.

In other words, thinking that "bullying is a crime" leads to bullying that falls outside of recognition, such as ignoring, bad-mouthing, and scowling. If these are perpetrated because "it's not a crime," the victim is trapped.

Therefore, both the children themselves and the adults around them must understand that "bullying and crimes are completely different. The definition of bullying is defined by law in order to save children who are suffering, but cannot be dealt with as a crime, so that "everyone ignores it, but it is not a crime, so it is not bullying.


This story suggests that there are cases where legal liability cannot be held against the perpetrator of bullying. This is because it is more insidious than violence and more difficult to deal with when the bullying is more insidious and psychologically driven, because it is more difficult to leave evidence behind.

However, we believe that the lack of legal responsibility does not mean that one can escape social responsibility.

It is important to be educated that it cannot be just "because they are children" or "because they didn't know," but I also wonder what parents and teachers should do to intervene in the distance between friends and people around them. Even adults have to work very hard to build and maintain relationships, and I think that asking children to be constantly aware of their distance from others would be exhausting.

The point is.

Not all legal responsibilities are legal; there are social responsibilities as well.

There is a great deal of responsibility for one's words and actions.

If we can design a system that allows people to understand these two points in some way from an early age, we may be able to create a comfortable society.

To achieve this, it may be necessary to provide opportunities for people to come into contact with various races and ideas, and to make use of the Internet and other forms of information technology so that people do not feel uncomfortable with differences.