tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 8/21








(2)今の時代の鑑賞のツボを得ている ――ことだという。











English edition


I have no aesthetic sense at all, and I have always envied people who are good at drawing, but AI may be able to draw a picture that even that would be a good fit for modern people.




Why did Midjourney become a hot topic? What exactly are the characteristics of the images?

   On January 9, Nakazawa and Kusakari of AI Bijutsu Kenkyukai pointed out two reasons why Midjourney was particularly talked about compared to other services, when interviewed by J-CAST News. That is.

(1) The pictures in the realistic/fantasy direction are skillful, including composition and color value treatment.

(2) Midjourney has captured the key points of appreciation of the current era.

   Midjourney is a tool that can be used by anyone with 100% AI-generated pictures as a prerequisite. The addition of the above two points to the premise "made it possible to visually realize the reality that 'AI will become skillful and destroy human painters,'" which may have been the reason why it became a major topic of discussion this time around, the duo said.

   The two artists also explained the "key points of appreciation in the current era" as follows.

In terms of cyclical history, the 2020s is the fourth Surrealist period since the beginning of the 20th century. From a circular historical perspective, the 2020s is the fourth Surrealist period since the beginning of the 20th century. When "skill" is added to these motifs, it becomes a style called "Mannerism," and it can be seen as the realization of a highly finished Mannerism unique to AI, which is far removed from the human mind.
   For example, even if you input a heartwarming or charming text into the service, the two researchers say that the melancholy or mysterious features that appear in the generated image "may be due to the keynote line of surrealism or manierism. The opposite of Mannerism is 'heta-uma,' but Midjourney does not seem to be heading in the direction of 'heta-uma. The word "bad-uama" means that the bad stuff is good.

   The two further analyzed the AI image generation service, saying, "If you look at it broadly in terms of the history of painting, it's very Florentine. While services that generate images from input language are top-down, there is another direction in the act of painting that "emerges bottom-up from playing with painting materials," they said. In the history of painting, the top-down approach is closer to the Florentine school (which excels in form), while the bottom-up approach is closer to the Venetian school (which excels in color)," he explains.


It is true that I remember learning in world history that people's tastes change periodically, and I am sure everyone knows that the appearance of a person varies greatly from period to period.

I have zero knowledge of painting, but I can't help but be amazed that AI is extending its domain to artistic thinking.

It is true that machines cannot compete in terms of precision and sophistication, so I would like to think about the "skill" that only humans can bring out.