tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 8/30























English edition


The other day I finally turned 20 years old and went on a one-man bullet trip to enjoy nature to the fullest.

Normally, I am so pressed for time that a day passes by in the blink of an eye, but I felt the time pass by so slowly that I sincerely felt that this kind of refreshment is not so bad once in a while.

Now, nature is in your hands! I would like to introduce you to the topic of "Nature is in your hands!



Higashishirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture, which has been named "the most beautiful village in Japan," started a forest rental service in November 2020, offering about 300 tsubo (about 1,000 square meters) of forest for rent for 66,000 yen (including tax) per year, attracting many enthusiasts who want to camp in their own way. A year and a half has passed since the start of the rental service. When we visited the site, we found a "secret base village" with swings and wooden decks made from large cypress trees, Goemon baths, and handmade huts scattered about. It was an exciting development.


Japan's forestry industry saw an increase in demand for lumber in the postwar years of the 1950s and 1960s. In order to control the rising price of such lumber, imports were fully liberalized in 1964.

Overseas lumber became cheaper and more readily available, partly due to the appreciation of the yen.

As a result, the forestry industry declined.


The negative effects of this have been a lack of successors and the impact of natural disasters.

In such a situation, it seems that "forest rental" is now possible because subscriptions are now in vogue.


This is a promising way to reduce the burden on local governments, especially in mountainous areas where they have no choice but to manage mountains.

If there is even rental of farming equipment, more and more people will want to do it! I think this will increase the number of people who want to do it.

This may be popular among families who live in the city and have few opportunities to experience nature.

It is well known that childhood experiences have a positive impact on the growth process, so if we can promote the program properly, we may be able to combine forest conservation and business.

It would also be a great opportunity for local governments to encourage people to move to the countryside.