tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/26

今日のボヤキ 2/26



 その中で国内トップを走るライブ配信アプリ「Pococha(ポコチャ)」の姉妹アプリとして、昨年リリースされたのが、「Voice Pococha(ボイスポコチャ)」だ。

 なぜ、あえて今音声特化なのか。差別化は。戦略は。 近年、アプリ上での生放送を通じて人気を競い、自己表現の場としてだけでなく、大金を掴むチャンスも生まれてきているライブ配信は、現在多くのサービスが乱立しており、まさに群雄割拠の様相だ。
 その中で国内トップを走るライブ配信アプリ「Pococha(ポコチャ)」の姉妹アプリとして、昨年リリースされたのが、「Voice Pococha(ボイスポコチャ)」だ。














English edition


Today's blurbs 2/26

 In recent years, live-streaming has become not only a place for self-expression, but also a chance to win big money, as people compete for popularity through live broadcasting on apps.
 Voice Pococha" was released last year as a sister application to "Pococha," the leading live-streaming application in Japan.
 Why are we daring to specialize in voice now? What is the differentiation? What is your strategy? In recent years, live broadcasting on apps has become a place to compete for popularity and self-expression, as well as a chance to win large sums of money.
 Voice Pococha" was released last year as a sister application to "Pococha," the leading live-streaming application in Japan.
 Why are we daring to specialize in voice now? What is the differentiation? What is the strategy?

According to data from the Digital Content Association of Japan, the size of the domestic market for live streaming was around 160 billion yen in 2016, and will be around 450 billion yen in 2022, with continuous growth.


 There are two major types of live video distribution: "media type" and "social live type.
 In media-type live-streaming, there are many viewers (listeners) for one performer, and there is no close one-on-one communication. Typical examples are celebrities' Instagram live shows and YouTube live shows.
 On the other hand, a social live service allows a small number of viewers (listeners) to communicate with a single distributor at a close distance. Our service belongs to the latter type.
 We believe that the core UX (experience) of social live is that people recognize and approve of you. Being able to share what you like is one of the main reasons for using our service, both as a distributor and as a listener.
Since we receive only "voice" information, there is more room for imagination. Also, I think it is because of the added element of live streaming, and the experience of being pushed by someone else. urlshare


In recent years, real-time distribution seems to be booming on various social networking sites. I'm sure many people have heard of terms like "throwaway" and "spacha" by now.
With the current abundance of on-demand services, viewers may have come to want to interact in real time.
Because this is a specialized "voice-only" service, it is likely to expand the social space and harmony.