tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/12

今日のボヤキ 3/12



  • どのようにして会話は成立する?





  • 会話が成立する要因を裏付ける研究


  1. 「The Role of Language in Communication: Does Language Shape Thought?」(Boroditsky, 2011):この論文では、言語が人間の思考や認知にどのような影響を与えるかについて述べています。言語の違いが、人々が世界を理解する方法や文化的な考え方に影響を与えることが示されています。
  2. 「The Social Psychology of Communication」(Duck and McMahan, 2011):この書籍では、人々が会話を通じてどのように相互作用するかについて議論されています。コミュニケーションの過程での相手の受容性や反応、情報の共有によって、相手との信頼関係を築くことができることが示されています。
  3. 「Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal Relationships and Social Identities across Contexts and Communities」(Giles and Coupland, 1991):この論文では、人々が会話の中で相手の文化的背景や社会的立場に応じて話し方を変えることができるという「コミュニケーション調整理論」について議論されています。会話が円滑に進むためには、相手の文化的背景や社会的立場を考慮し、自分自身の話し方を調整することが必要であることが示されています。
  4. 「Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction」(Knapp and Hall, 2013):この書籍では、言語以外のコミュニケーション方法であるノンバーバルコミュニケーションについて議論されています。身振りや表情、視線の使い方などのノンバーバルコミュニケーションは、言葉だけでは伝えられない情報や意図を伝えるために重要であることが示されています。





English edition


Today's blurbs 3/12

How does the conversation take place?
The following are some of the factors that make human conversation possible
Existence of a common language or communication method: To have a conversation, we need a language or communication method that we can understand each other. Common language, gestures, and other communication methods can facilitate conversation.
Presence of a willingness or motivation to communicate: To have a conversation, both parties need to have a willingness or motivation to communicate. Having the motivation to talk and to communicate with the other person is what makes a conversation possible.
Acquiring appropriate communication skills: To have a conversation, you need to have the skills to facilitate communication with the other person. For example, it is important to listen to what the other person has to say and to be attentive to their feelings and needs.
Sharing social context and cultural background: To have a conversation, it is necessary to share your social context and cultural background with the other person. For example, if you are of the same nationality or live in the same region, you will often have cultural similarities that will facilitate the conversation.
Empathy and respect for the other person: To have a conversation, you need to have empathy and respect for the other person. By accepting and respecting the other person's opinions and feelings, you can build trust with them.

Research supporting the factors that lead to successful conversations
There are numerous studies on the factors that make a conversation work. Some examples are listed below.
The Role of Language in Communication: Does Language Shape Thought? It shows how language differences affect the way people understand the world and cultural ideas.
The Social Psychology of Communication (Duck and McMahan, 2011): This book discusses how people interact through conversation. It shows how the receptivity, reactions, and information shared by others during the communication process can build trust with others.
Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal Relationships and Social Identities across Contexts and Communities (Giles and Coupland, 1991): This paper discusses "communication accommodation theory," which states that people can change the way they speak in a conversation based on the cultural background and social position of the other person. It is shown that for a conversation to proceed smoothly, it is necessary to adjust one's own speech style to take into account the cultural background and social position of the other person.
Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction" (Knapp and Hall, 2013): In this book, nonverbal communication, a method of communication other than language, is discussed. Nonverbal communication, such as the use of gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact, is important for conveying information and intentions that cannot be conveyed by words alone.
These studies provide useful information for understanding the factors that make for successful conversations. There have also been several experiments and investigations based on these studies, which provide a more detailed understanding of the factors that make for successful conversations.