今日のボヤキ 3/29
- プライバシー...?
- ロー対ウェイド事件とは...?
- 分岐点になる...?
- 女性への新たな視座
English edition
Today's blurbs 3/29
The right to privacy is the right to personal privacy and the right of individuals to control their own information and behavior. This right includes the right to control the collection, storage, use, disclosure, and publication of personal information.
The right to privacy arose in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries because of the problems of invasion and unwarranted interference with various personal spheres, including an individual's life and body, family and home, and communications. The abuse of personal information during the persecution and murder of Jews and other minorities by Nazi Germany during World War II also highlighted the importance of the right to privacy.
The concept of the right to privacy was first proposed by United States jurists Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis in their 1890 article "The Right to Privacy." The treatise discussed the personal suffering caused by the improper use and disclosure of an individual's information by newspapers and publications. This paper became the basis for the legal establishment of the concept of the right to privacy. Today, the right to privacy is guaranteed by constitutions and laws in many countries and jurisdictions.
What is Roe v. Wade?
Roe v. Wade is a 1973 decision by the United States Supreme Court regarding a woman's right to abortion under the U.S. Constitution.
The case was decided by the Supreme Court after a woman named Roe filed suit against a Texas law that made abortion illegal under that state's law. The Supreme Court ruled that abortion involves a woman's right to privacy, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, and that states cannot restrict abortion in early pregnancy. This ruling led to the legalization of abortion nationwide in the United States.
Roe v. Wade was an important moment in the women's rights movement in the United States and led to a broadening interpretation of the U.S. Constitution to guarantee women's rights to privacy and personal liberty. However, the decision has been criticized by conservatives and religious groups, and the debate continues to this day.
A watershed moment...?
In May 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Texas' law banning abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy, known as the "Child Cardiopulmonary Arrest Act," was unconstitutional, holding that, contrary to the Roe v. Wade decision, it was permissible to restrict abortion in early pregnancy.
The decision, a narrow 5-4 vote, was backed by a majority of conservative justices on the Supreme Court. In its decision, the Supreme Court held that there is room for Texas's "child-abortion law" to have constitutionality in the standard for considering the constitutionality of abortion when a law prohibiting abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy is in effect.
This decision is believed to have been prompted by the conservative backlash against the Roe v. Wade decision and the victory of conservatives in the U.S. presidential election. In addition, conservative and liberal views on the legality of abortion are at odds, and the debate is expected to continue.
A New Perspective on Women
New perspectives on women's rights include the ideas of gender equality and feminism. These perspectives criticize the traditional division of gender roles and prejudice against women's social status, and believe that men and women are expected to participate equally in society.
Specifically, they call for the promotion of women's economic independence and political participation, the elimination of sexual violence and harassment, and the elimination of gender-based salary disparities. In addition, emphasis is also being placed on the concept of realizing a society in which women can make their own decisions, taking into consideration their diverse opinions and needs.
This new perspective is attracting attention in the international community and is reflected in international documents such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), an international framework on women's rights, the Beirut Declaration, and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. In Japan, laws and systems have been established to guarantee women's rights, and interest in women's human rights has been growing.
Research on new perspectives on women's human rights and gender equality is very diverse. Below are some representative papers and data.
Global Gender Gap Report (World Economic Forum): This annual report evaluates indicators of gender equality in each country and provides a quantitative analysis of the gender gap. The latest edition (2021) reports that the global gender gap has narrowed by 9.2%, but it indicates that gender disparities still exist.
United Nations Report on Women's Economic Independence (United Nations Development Programme): This report recommends policies and initiatives to help women achieve economic independence. The report shows that women's economic independence contributes to economic growth and social development.
Beirut Declaration (United Nations Development Program): This declaration was issued as an outcome of the World Conference on Women and Development organized by the United Nations Development Program in 1995. The Declaration recommends specific measures to guarantee women's rights.
International Development of Gender Sensitive Approaches" (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries): This report analyzes the practical examples and effects of gender-sensitive approaches. The report shows that the gender-sensitive approach has been successful in areas such as rural development and fisheries development.
International Comparative Study on Women's Political Participation" (Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office): This study compares the status of women's political participation internationally and also examines women's political participation in Japan. The study shows that women's political participation brings diverse perspectives into political decision making.
As mentioned above, women, are very diverse. In addition, international organizations and research institutes regularly publish reports and studies on a variety of topics and areas of interest to you.
For example, the OECD and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have published studies and reports on issues related to women's employment and treatment in the workplace. Also, on issues related to women's political participation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) have published reports and studies.
Meanwhile, research on gender is flourishing in the social sciences and humanities. For example, there are psychological studies on gender and cultural anthropological studies on gender. Recently, research on gender bias in artificial intelligence and machine learning has also attracted attention.
In general, there is a wide range of new perspectives and research on women's rights and gender equality. It is important to choose a field or topic that interests you and read specialized books, reports, and academic papers to gain a deeper understanding.