tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/30

今日のボヤキ 3/30


  • 現在から未来にかけての社会課題






  • 課題解決のためのソリューション








  • AIの導入例




McKinsey Global Instituteによる報告書
2018年にMcKinsey Global Instituteが発表した報告書では、政府がAIを活用することで、年間5,000億ドルの経済的なメリットが生まれる可能性があると述べています。この報告書では、AIが行政業務の効率化や政策決定の支援、公共サービスの向上、犯罪予防などに役立つことが期待されると述べられています。
The Economistによる記事
2020年にThe Economistが掲載した記事では、政府がAIを活用することで、政策決定の効率化や行政業務の自動化、公共サービスの質の向上などが期待できると述べられています。この記事では、AIの導入には課題もあるが、政府が適切な規制や制度の整備を行うことで、AIが社会に与えるポジティブな影響を最大限に引き出せるとしています。






English Edition


Today's blurbs 3/30


Social Issues from the Present to the Future

There are a wide range of social issues from the present to the future, some of which are listed below.

Environmental Issues

Environmental issues such as global warming and environmental destruction are becoming increasingly serious. In order to create a sustainable society, measures to protect the environment, such as reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy, are necessary.

Social Disparities

Social disparities such as income disparities, regional disparities, and educational disparities still exist. In order to narrow these disparities and achieve a socially just society, measures such as education, provision of employment opportunities, and income redistribution are necessary.

Health Issues

Health issues are becoming more and more serious, such as increasing medical needs due to the aging population and increasing lifestyle-related diseases caused by stress and unhealthy lifestyles. In order to create a healthy society, it is necessary to improve health promotion measures and the medical system.

Technology and Privacy

Advances in AI and IoT are making privacy issues more serious. While utilizing technology, consideration must be given to the protection of personal information and privacy.

These are just some of the social challenges that face us today and into the future. Tackling these challenges is necessary to create a more sustainable society.



Solutions to Challenges

There are a variety of solutions to solve the challenges, some examples are listed below.

Leveraging Technology

The latest technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain can be leveraged to create more efficient and sustainable solutions. For example, technology is making a significant contribution to solving social issues, such as reducing traffic accidents through the introduction of automated driving technology.

Education and awareness-raising activities

To solve social issues, it is necessary to change the awareness and behavior of citizens. This requires education and awareness-raising activities. For example, education and awareness-raising activities on environmental issues can be expected to encourage people to become more environmentally conscious.

Policy Improvement

Improved policies are essential to solving social problems. For example, improved regulation and taxation of environmental issues can encourage companies and individuals to act in an environmentally friendly manner.

International Cooperation

International cooperation is necessary to address global social issues. For example, international cooperation on climate change and poverty reduction can help solve problems on a broader scale.

These are just some of the solutions. A multifaceted approach is needed to address social issues, and it is important to choose the right solution for each challenge.


Today, many national and regional governments are beginning to utilize AI. The main purposes for governments to utilize AI are to improve operational efficiency, improve decision making, and solve social issues.

Examples of government use of AI include

Improving the efficiency of administrative operations

AI can improve the efficiency of administrative operations. Examples include automated procedures and chatbot responses to inquiries.

・Improved decision-making

Using AI in government decision-making will enable more accurate and effective policy formulation and implementation. For example, data analysis and predictive modeling can be used to support decision-making in areas such as disaster management and healthcare policy.

∙ Solving social issues

Governments can use AI to solve social issues. Examples include crime prevention, traffic congestion reduction, and energy efficiency.

However, there are also challenges in using AI, such as data collection and privacy protection. Governments need to address these issues as well. In addition, AI automation may result in the loss of people's jobs, and governments need to be aware of such risks.



Examples of AI Introduction

Examples of AI implementation include government agencies, municipalities, public organizations, and state-run companies. Some specific examples are listed below.

Disaster management

In Japan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Japan Meteorological Agency are using AI to analyze and predict disaster information. Municipalities and fire departments are also using AI to support disaster relief efforts and manage information on disaster victims.

Healthcare Policy

In South Korea, the National Health Insurance Corporation is using AI to develop a system to provide appropriate treatment for cancer patients. In France, an AI system is being introduced to assist diabetes patients in managing their blood glucose levels.

Traffic Congestion Relief

In Shanghai, China, AI is being used to understand traffic congestion in real time to optimize signal control and improve vehicle guidance. The city of Munich, Germany, is also using AI to predict areas at high risk of traffic accidents and prevent accidents from occurring.

Improving Efficiency of Administrative Operations

Administrative agencies in South Korea are using AI to automate administrative procedures. For example, passport applications and tax returns are now automated.

Crime Prevention

In the United States, the New York City Police Department is using AI to prevent crimes. Specifically, they are working to prevent the occurrence of crimes by predicting areas and times when the risk of crime is high and optimizing the assignment of police officers.

These examples show that governments can use AI to address a variety of social issues.


There are numerous papers and data that demonstrate the potential for governments to utilize AI. Some examples are listed below.

A report by McKinsey Global Institute

A report published by the McKinsey Global Institute in 2018 stated that governments could generate $500 billion in annual economic benefits by leveraging AI. The report stated that AI is expected to help streamline government operations, support policy decisions, improve public services, and prevent crime.

Report by the OECD

A 2019 report from the OECD states that AI can help ensure transparency and accountability, promote equity, and foster citizen participation in government operations. The report shows the potential for governments to use AI to help improve the sustainability and well-being of society.

Article by The Economist

An article published by The Economist in 2020 stated that governments could use AI to streamline policy making, automate administrative tasks, and improve the quality of public services. The article states that while there are challenges to implementing AI, governments can maximize the positive impact of AI on society by developing appropriate regulations and institutions.

These articles and data show that government use of AI can help solve social problems and create economic benefits.