tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/31

今日のボヤキ 3/31             













  • 必要になる問題解決




「The Impact of Digital Technology on Democracy」(デジタルテクノロジーが民主主義に与える影響)という論文では、デジタル技術は政治参加、情報提供、政治プロセスの改善、政治的トランスペアレンシーの向上など、民主主義に多大な貢献をすることが示唆されています。この論文は、デジタル技術に関する投資が民主主義を促進することを提唱しています。
Pew Research Centerによる調査では、アメリカ合衆国の成人のうち、86%がオンラインで政治ニュースや情報を得ていることが明らかになっています。この調査は、インターネットやソーシャルメディアなどのデジタルテクノロジーが、政治に関する情報を入手するための重要な手段であることを示唆しています。
「Democracy and Technology」(民主主義とテクノロジー)という論文では、民主主義に関するテクノロジーの投資が、民主主義を守り、発展させるために重要であることが述べられています。この論文は、民主主義に関するテクノロジーの投資が、政治的不平等や政治的決定に対する市民参加の欠如など、民主主義の脅威に対処することができることを示唆しています。





English Edition


Today's blurbs 3/31             


This will be the end of March! We plan to meet 3 times a week from April onwards!


What is pluralism?

Pluralism is an idea or philosophy that respects different cultures and values, and aims for a society or world in which they coexist. Pluralism recognizes that people can choose different ways of life based on factors such as different cultures, religions, languages, gender, race, ethnicity, and social status, and insists that they should be respected equally.

Pluralism endorses a variety of policies and social institutions aimed at promoting the peaceful coexistence of different cultures and religions. For example, pluralism supports the right of people to freely practice different religions, prohibitions against discrimination against ethnic minorities and immigrants, educational systems that respect the use of diverse languages, and urban planning that is multicultural.

Pluralism emphasizes respect for diversity and the protection of individual liberty, equality, and human rights in the pursuit of a tolerant and inclusive society. Pluralism also places importance on dialogue and mutual understanding between different groups in order to promote social coexistence.



Contributions of Technology

Modern technology can contribute to democracy. Some examples include

∙ Online voting systems: Online voting systems using the Internet or mobile devices can increase turnout and improve the accessibility of elections. Online voting can reduce the physical constraints of participating in elections and make voting easier, especially for people in remote areas or with physical disabilities.

∙ Social Media: Social media provide a platform for the widespread sharing of information and the exchange of opinions and ideas. This is expected to lead to wider dissemination of information and opinions on politics, greater diversity of opinion, and improved transparency of information in decision-making.

∙ Open Data: By openly disclosing data collected by governments and public institutions, citizens can gain a more detailed understanding of government activities and more accurately describe policy recommendations and political activities. Open data increases government transparency and allows citizens to demand more accountability from their governments.

Online signatures: Online signature systems improve accessibility for citizens to participate in political petitions and campaigns. Citizens can more easily communicate their demands to governments and businesses by signing online.

These technologies can help promote democratic values. However, these technologies should be used with caution, as they can be abused by malicious people if not properly monitored and regulated.



Problem Solving Becoming Necessary

In order for technology to contribute to democracy, the following problems need to be solved

▪ Bridging the digital divide: In order for technology to contribute to democracy, the digital divide must be bridged. In order for all people to be able to participate in elections, all must have proper access and training. Policies are also needed regarding access to the Internet, as some people may be inaccessible and digitally excluded.

∙ Monitoring and regulation of platforms: While platforms such as social media and online voting systems make it easy for users to share information, they can also facilitate the spread of disinformation and false information. Therefore, monitoring and regulation of platforms is necessary.

Protecting privacy: As technology evolves, privacy can be threatened. Appropriate legal frameworks and technical measures are needed to protect the information collected by governments and companies.

Elimination of bias by biased algorithms: Information provided by technology can be distorted by biased algorithms. Therefore, it is necessary for platforms to be fair and neutral, and for technological measures to eliminate biased algorithms.

By addressing these issues, technology can contribute to democracy and help create a more inclusive and just society.


There are numerous studies on technology investments related to democracy. Below are a few papers and data that suggest technology investments in democratic yugi

The Impact of Digital Technology on Democracy" suggests that digital technology can make significant contributions to democracy in terms of political participation, information provision, improved political processes, and increased political transparency. The paper suggests that digital technologies can make a significant contribution to democracy by improving political participation, information provision, political processes, and political transparency. The paper proposes that investments in digital technology promote democracy.

A survey by the Pew Research Center found that 86% of adults in the United States get their political news and information online. The survey suggests that digital technologies, such as the Internet and social media, are an important means of accessing political information.

The article "Democracy and Technology" describes the importance of investing in democracy-related technology to protect and develop democracy. The paper suggests that investments in democracy-related technology can address threats to democracy, such as political inequality and lack of citizen participation in political decisions.

These studies suggest that investments in democracy-related technology are important. Investments in digital technologies are expected to yield a number of benefits in support of democracy, including increased political participation, improved information provision, and political transparency.