ブクログ 50号
小学校一年生の時、結衣子(ゆいこ)の二歳上の姉・万佑子(まゆこ)が失踪した。スーパーに残された帽子、不審な白い車の目撃証言、そして変質者の噂。必死に捜す結衣子たちの前に、二年後、姉を名乗る見知らぬ少女が帰ってきた。喜ぶ家族の中で、しかし自分だけが、大学生になった今も微(かす)かな違和感を抱き続けている。――お姉ちゃん、あなたは本物なの? 辿り着いた真実に足元から頽れる衝撃の姉妹ミステリー。
English edition
Bukrogue No. 50
If you put a "bean" under the futon under which you sleep every day, would you be able to notice its discomfort? When you notice the bean. ....
When YUIKO was in the first grade of elementary school, her two-year-old sister, Mayuko, disappeared. A hat left at a supermarket, a sighting of a suspicious white car, and rumors of a pervert. Two years later, a strange girl claiming to be the older sister returns to their lives. The family is happy, but only Yuko, now a college student, still feels a faint sense of unease. --Is it really you, sister? A shocking sister mystery that will leave you falling off your feet as you discover the truth.
What is "happiness"?
Is "blood" the link between siblings, and is that the proof of family?
Or is it the "time" spent together that proves it?
There is no clear answer to this question, but it is possible that cases like the one in this story do occur. If you were the one involved, what would your answer be?