今日のボヤキ 3/14
- そもそも老化はなぜ起こる?
- 遺伝子的な要因:遺伝子の変異や老化に関する遺伝子の活性化が老化に関与していることが示されています。
- 細胞内の変化:細胞内には細胞質や核酸、ミトコンドリアなどの様々な分子が存在しており、これらが変化することで老化が引き起こされます。例えば、細胞の分裂能力が低下することで細胞が老化し、老化に伴ってミトコンドリア機能が低下することが知られています。
- 環境要因:環境因子は、老化に関する多くの要因の中でも重要な役割を果たしています。紫外線や放射線、大気汚染物質、ストレス、食生活などが老化に影響を与えることが示されています。
- 生活習慣:喫煙、運動不足、不規則な食生活などは、老化を引き起こすことが知られています。
- 若返り作戦!?
- 研究データや実験データも多数存在!?
Baker, D. J., et al. (2011). "Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders." Nature 479(7372): 232-236.
Zhu, Y., et al. (2019). "The Achilles' heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs." Aging cell 18(3): e12945.
Xu, M., et al. (2018). "Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age." Nature medicine 24(8): 1246-1256.
English edition
Today's blurbs 3/14
You may think you are still young after turning 20 years old! Even if you think you are young, you may still feel the aging process.
For example, muscle aches come two days later than usual. ....
Here is a topic related to such "aging.
Why does aging occur in the first place?
Aging is a phenomenon that occurs over time due to changes in the function and structure of cells and tissues. The causes of aging are related to genes, environmental factors, lifestyle, and intracellular changes.
In general, causes of aging can be categorized as follows
Genetic factors: Genetic mutations and activation of genes related to aging have been shown to be involved in aging.
Intracellular changes: Various molecules such as cytoplasm, nucleic acids, and mitochondria are present in cells, and changes in these molecules can cause aging. For example, it is known that cells age by decreasing their ability to divide, and mitochondrial function declines with aging.
Environmental factors: Environmental factors play an important role among many factors related to aging. Ultraviolet light, radiation, air pollutants, stress, and diet have been shown to influence aging.
Lifestyle: Smoking, lack of exercise, and irregular diet are known to cause aging.
It is known that aging is caused by a combination of the above factors. It is hoped that future research will find ways to delay or prevent aging.
Operation Rejuvenation!
Unlike normal cells, senescent cells do not die. Therefore, the accumulation of senescent cells can cause various diseases related to aging.
On the other hand, recent research has led to the development of therapies that target senescent cells. This therapy aims to target specific proteins present in senescent cells and eliminate them. This is one of the central approaches of senolytics research.
Experiments with this therapy have reported that removal of senescent cells improves symptoms of aging-related diseases. However, it has yet to be used as a general treatment until clinical trials have been conducted to confirm its safety and efficacy.
There are several methods for removing senescent cells, but the most common method is called "senolytics therapy. Senolytics therapy uses drugs that target specific proteins to remove senescent cells.
Specifically, senescent cells express a specific protein called "senolytic marker" on their surface. Senolytics therapy therefore uses drugs that target this protein to label senescent cells and subsequently encourage the immune system to recognize and eliminate senescent cells.
Another approach is to have senescent cells self-destruct through a process called "apoptosis." This method eliminates senescent cells by inducing programmed cell death through the use of chemicals or radiation on the senescent cells.
Both methods have been shown to be effective in removing senescent cells, and future research is required to further improve their accuracy and ensure their safety and effectiveness.
A large body of research and experimental data exists!
Research on the removal of senescent cells is one area that has recently received a great deal of attention. Below are a few examples of publications and experimental results on methods to remove senescent cells.
Baker, D. J., et al. (2011). "Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders," Nature 479(7372): 232-236.
In this study, senolytics therapy was used to extend the lifespan of mice by targeting cells expressing a protein called p16Ink4a, which accumulates in cells as a result of aging. It has also been reported to reduce the incidence of aging-related diseases (e.g., fatty liver and cataracts).
Zhu, Y., et al. (2019). "The Achilles' heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs," Aging cell 18(3): e12945.
This study screened the cellular level for the development of drugs to eliminate senescent cells and identified promising candidate drugs. This study shows that a natural compound called fistin is an effective drug for eliminating senescent cells.
Xu, M., et al. (2018). "Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age," Nature medicine 24(8): 1246-1256.
This study demonstrates that mouse experiments with a drug that eliminates senescent cells can improve the decline in physical function and increase lifespan due to aging. This study also showed that senolytics therapy is a promising treatment for aging-related diseases in humans.
The results of these studies suggest that eliminating senescent cells is a promising therapy for improving aging-related diseases and decline in body function. However, further research is needed to develop safer and more effective senolytics therapies.