tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/20

今日のボヤキ 3/20



  • 炭素を固定...?




  • 植物が世界を救う...?









  • 炭素を固定すると何が起きる...?


  1. 土壌の健全性を維持する:炭素は土壌の有機物の主要な成分であり、土壌の健全性を維持するために必要不可欠なものです。炭素を土壌に貯蓄することで、土壌の構造や水保持能力を向上させ、農作物の生育を促進することができます。
  2. 土壌の肥沃度を向上する:炭素は、微生物の栄養源として機能します。土壌に十分な炭素があると、微生物の数が増加し、土壌の肥沃度を向上させることができます。また、炭素が微生物によって分解される際に発生する栄養素も、作物の生育に必要なものです。
  3. 土壌の炭素貯蔵による地球温暖化防止:炭素を土壌に貯蓄することによって、大気中の二酸化炭素の濃度を低減することができます。炭素を土壌に貯蓄することで、土壌中の炭素量を増やし、その分だけ大気中の二酸化炭素量を減らすことができます。
  4. 経済的効果:炭素を土壌に貯蓄することは、農業や森林経営において、長期的な利益をもたらすことができます。炭素貯蔵によって、作物の生産性が向上し、森林の成長が促進され、収益性が向上することが期待されます。




  • 数多くの研究







English edition


Blabbermouth of the Day 3/20

Fixing carbon...?
Plants absorb carbon dioxide and fix carbon through photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, plants use light energy to combine carbon dioxide with water to produce carbohydrates and oxygen. This process allows them to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and fix carbon. For this reason, plants are considered one of the most important sources of carbon fixation on the planet.

Plants will save the world...?
The increase of fungi in plants does not directly reduce the amount of carbon in the air. However, when mycorrhiza, a symbiotic relationship between plants and fungi, is formed, plants can fix carbon more efficiently and reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis formed by the entanglement of plant roots and the fine roots of fungi. The plant fixes carbon through photosynthesis, while the fungus obtains carbon compounds from the plant and grows. This symbiotic relationship allows plants to absorb more nutrients and promotes growth. It also allows plants to fix more carbon, thus reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
However, mycorrhizal formation depends on the type of plant and the fungus. Even if mycorrhizas do form, their effect is limited and they cannot significantly reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. To reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, it is necessary not only to increase the carbon-fixing capacity of plants, but also to reduce the source of carbon dioxide emissions.

Increased fungi in plants, by itself, has no direct relationship to decarbonization efforts. Decarbonization efforts are aimed at reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These include improving energy efficiency, using renewable energy, promoting energy conservation, and storing carbon dioxide in the ground.
However, because plants can absorb carbon dioxide and fix carbon, efforts related to plant growth can indirectly contribute to decarbonization efforts. For example, carbon sequestration can be increased by promoting afforestation and reforestation. And in agriculture, initiatives such as proper use of fertilizers and optimization of land use can enable plants to fix more carbon.
All in all, while plants can contribute to carbon sequestration and global warming prevention, it is important to note that decarbonization efforts require a variety of approaches.

What happens when we fix carbon...?
There are many benefits to storing carbon in the soil. Some typical examples are listed below.
Maintain soil health: Carbon is a major component of soil organic matter and is essential for maintaining soil health. Storing carbon in the soil improves soil structure and water holding capacity, which in turn promotes crop growth.
Improves soil fertility: Carbon serves as a nutrient source for microorganisms. Adequate carbon in the soil increases the number of microorganisms and improves soil fertility. The nutrients produced when carbon is decomposed by microorganisms are also necessary for crop growth.
Soil carbon storage to prevent global warming: By storing carbon in the soil, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be reduced. Storing carbon in the soil increases the amount of carbon in the soil, which in turn reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Economic benefits: Storing carbon in the soil can have long-term benefits for agriculture and forest management. Carbon storage is expected to increase crop productivity, promote forest growth, and increase profitability.
Storing carbon in the soil has many environmental and economic benefits, making it an important part of sustainable agriculture and forest management.

Numerous studies
Numerous studies have been conducted on the benefits of storing carbon in the soil. The following are representative examples.

A study of the relationship between the amount of organic carbon in soils and crop yields.
This study investigated the relationship between soil organic carbon and crop yield at approximately 1,000 farm sites around the world. The results showed that the higher the soil organic carbon content, the higher the crop yield. The results also indicated that soils with higher organic carbon content have higher water holding capacity and fertility, which are important factors in agriculture.
An experiment on carbon storage in forests
In this experiment, we compared the results of management practices such as removing forest undergrowth in Canadian forests in order to verify the effects of carbon storage. The results showed that removing undergrowth increased forest carbon storage. The study also reported that this management method did not reduce the biodiversity of the forest.
Research on Carbon Metabolism of Soil Microorganisms
This study investigated the metabolic processes of soil microorganisms as they decompose carbon, and the results suggested that storing carbon in the soil also activates soil microorganisms and leads to the cycling of nutrients.
The results of these studies indicate that storing carbon in the soil has many environmental and economic benefits for agriculture and forest management.