tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/25

今日のボヤキ 3/25








  • 気になる自動車事故







  • 多種多様な自動運転


  1. 自動ブレーキシステム(AEB):前方の車両や歩行者を検知し、衝突の危険があると判断した場合に自動的にブレーキをかける技術。
  2. アダプティブクルーズコントロール(ACC):前方の車両との距離を一定に保ちつつ、自動的に加速や減速を行う技術。
  3. 車線維持支援システム(LKA):走行中に車線を逸脱しそうになった場合に、運転手に警告を出したり、自動的に車線内に戻す技術。
  4. 自動駐車支援システム(APA):駐車場などの狭いスペースで、運転手がアクセル、ブレーキ、ハンドル操作をする必要なく、自動的に駐車を行う技術。
  5. 自動運転システム(ADS):走行中に車両を制御するためのセンサーやカメラを搭載し、道路交通法規に沿って自動的に運転を行う技術。この技術は、現在も開発中であり、様々なレベルに分かれています。




  • ドライバーケアを車自身が行う..?


  1. ドライバーモニタリングシステム:カメラやセンサーを使って、ドライバーの疲労や視線の逸れ、無反応などを検知し、運転の安全性を高める技術。これにより、ドライバーが運転中に疲れていると判断された場合には、休憩を促す警告を発することができます。
  2. 心拍数や呼吸数などを測定するセンサー:ドライバーのストレスや緊張度合いを測定し、運転の安全性を高めることができます。
  3. 自動運転機能:自動運転車になれば、ドライバーが運転に疲れた場合には、車が運転を引き継いでくれるため、ドライバーの負担を軽減することができます。



  1. 環境認識技術の改善:自動運転車が正確に環境を認識するためには、高度なセンサーやカメラ、データ処理技術が必要です。今後もさらに精度の高い環境認識技術の開発が求められるでしょう。
  2. 非構造化環境での自動運転:現在の自動運転技術は、比較的予測しやすい環境での運転に適しています。しかし、都市部や山岳地帯、田舎道などの非構造化環境での運転には、より高度な技術が必要です。
  3. セキュリティ対策:自動運転車がハッキングされたり、遠隔操作されたりすることがないように、高度なセキュリティ対策が求められます。
  4. 法律・規制の整備:自動運転車が普及するには、法律や規制の整備が必要です。例えば、自動運転車の事故の責任は誰が取るべきか、自動運転車の運転者は誰なのかなど、様々な課題があります。
  5. 運転者の教育・訓練:自動運転車が普及するには、運転者の教育や訓練も必要です。自動運転車に慣れていない人々にとって、運転体験や安全性についての説明が必要です。




  • 自動運転技術に関する論文や実験データ


「A Survey of Motion Planning and Control Techniques for Self-Driving Urban Vehicles」(2019): 自動運転車のモーションプランニングやコントロール技術に関するレビュー論文です。
「Autonomous driving: Survey of sensor fusion and state estimation」(2018): センサーフュージョンや状態推定に関するレビュー論文です。
「A Review of the Applications of Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving」(2019): 深層学習を自動運転に応用する研究についてのレビュー論文です。
「Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments: Boss and the Urban Challenge」(2009): 自動運転技術の実証実験の一例である、カーネギーメロン大学のUrban Challengeにおける自動運転車「Boss」についての報告論文です。
「Learning a Driving Simulator」(2016): 運転シミュレータを用いた自動運転技術の開発に関する論文です。






English edition


Blabbermouth of the Day 3/25

Cars controlling people...?
With advances in automated driving technology, it is possible that cars will be able to take care of their drivers. For example, advanced safety technologies such as automatic braking and collision avoidance systems help cars protect drivers. Also, as automated driving technology develops, cars may be able to take charge of driving, allowing drivers to spend their time more freely.
However, many challenges still remain in transitioning to fully automated driving. For example, just like humans, self-driving cars need to have the judgment and knowledge to deal with various situations, and technology needs to be developed to make this possible. Legal and ethical issues also need to be resolved to ensure that self-driving cars are fully safe.
In other words, whether or not the time will come when cars will take care of drivers will change as technology advances. We will need to keep an eye on future technological developments.

Car Accidents of Concern
Since automobile accidents vary from country to country and region to region, the following describes the number and trends of automobile accidents in major countries and regions.
United States: There are approximately 6 million automobile accidents in the United States each year. Of these, more than 40,000 people die and more than 2 million are injured each year. Motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common causes of death in the United States, with a traffic fatality rate of 11.2 per 100,000 population.
Japan: In 2019, there were approximately 380,000 motor vehicle accidents in Japan, of which 3,638 people were killed and 63,563 were injured. The motor vehicle accident fatality rate is 2.9 per 100,000 population.
European Union: Approximately 250,000 people are killed and more than 1,500,000 people are injured in motor vehicle crashes each year in the countries of the European Union. The motor vehicle crash fatality rate is 5.1 per 100,000 population.
These figures indicate that automobile accidents are a major social problem worldwide. Automobile manufacturers and others are continuing efforts to reduce the number of accidents by developing automatic driving technology and other safety-enhancing technologies.

It is difficult to generalize about the causes of automobile accidents, as they are often caused by a variety of interrelated factors. However, the following is a list of the most common causes of accidents, in order of prevalence.
Human error: Driver error or inattention is the most common cause of accidents. Examples include ignoring traffic signals, sudden acceleration or braking, inattentive lane changing, drunk driving, fatigued driving, and inattention while driving due to the use of smartphones or other devices.
Road conditions: road and weather conditions can cause accidents. Examples include icy or wet road surfaces, fog, strong winds, narrow roads, and intersections.
Vehicle malfunction: Accidents can also occur when there is a problem with the vehicle itself. Examples include flat tires, brake failure, steering failure, and headlight failure.
Other: Effects of natural disasters, sudden jumps by animals, and technical problems other than human factors, such as sensor malfunction or failure in automated vehicles, can also cause accidents.
These causes are being addressed by automakers, governments, and others to develop countermeasures and safety technologies to prevent accidents.

A Wide Variety of Automated Driving
There are many different types of automated driving technologies. Some of the most representative ones are listed below.
Automatic braking system (AEB): Technology that detects vehicles and pedestrians in front and automatically applies the brakes when it determines that there is a risk of collision.
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): Technology that automatically accelerates or decelerates while maintaining a constant distance from the vehicle in front.
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKA): Technology that warns the driver or automatically returns the vehicle to its lane if it is about to deviate from its lane while driving.
Automatic parking assist system (APA): Technology that automatically parks a car in a narrow space, such as a parking lot, without requiring the driver to accelerate, brake, or steer.
Automatic Driving System (ADS): Technology that automatically drives in accordance with road traffic laws and regulations by installing sensors and cameras to control the vehicle while it is in motion. These technologies are still under development and are available at various levels.
These technologies can improve vehicle safety and comfort. At this point, however, there are still many challenges to overcome before we can move to fully automated driving.

Driver care by the car itself...?
Technologies are also being developed to enable the car itself to take care of the driver. For example
Driver monitoring systems: Technology that uses cameras and sensors to detect driver fatigue, eye movement, unresponsiveness, etc., to enhance driving safety. This allows the system to warn the driver to take a break if it determines that the driver is fatigued while driving.
Sensors that measure heart rate, breathing rate, etc.: These sensors measure the driver's level of stress and tension to enhance driving safety.
Automatic driving functions: With an automatic car, the car can take over driving if the driver gets tired of driving, thereby reducing the burden on the driver.
These technologies allow the car itself to take care of the driver. At this point, however, there are still many challenges to overcome before we can move to fully automated driving. In addition, it is important for drivers themselves to remain alert, as driving decisions are a complex issue, and some aspects of driving cannot yet be fully automated.

Automated driving technology is still being developed on an ongoing basis. Technologies that will be needed in the future include the following
Improved environmental recognition technology: Advanced sensors, cameras, and data processing technology are necessary for automated vehicles to accurately recognize the environment. The development of even more accurate environmental recognition technology will be required in the future.
Automated driving in unstructured environments: Current automated driving technology is suitable for driving in relatively predictable environments. However, more advanced technology is needed for driving in unstructured environments such as urban areas, mountainous regions, and rural roads.
Security measures: Advanced security measures are required to ensure that automated vehicles cannot be hacked or remotely controlled.
Development of laws and regulations: In order for self-driving cars to become widely used, laws and regulations must be developed. For example, who should be responsible for accidents involving automated vehicles, who should be the driver of an automated vehicle, etc.
Driver education and training: For automated vehicles to become widely used, driver education and training are also necessary. For people unfamiliar with automated vehicles, the driving experience and safety must be explained to them.
It is hoped that these challenges can be overcome to realize more advanced automated driving technology and improve driving safety and comfort.

Papers and experimental data on automated driving technology
There are many papers and experimental data on automated driving technology. Some of the most representative ones are introduced below.
A Survey of Motion Planning and Control Techniques for Self-Driving Urban Vehicles" (2019): a review paper on motion planning and control techniques for self-driving vehicles.
Autonomous driving: survey of sensor fusion and state estimation" (2018): a review paper on sensor fusion and state estimation.
'A Review of the Applications of Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving' (2019): a review paper on research on applying deep learning to automated driving.
Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments: Boss and the Urban Challenge" (2009): a paper reporting on Carnegie Mellon University's "Boss" self-driving car in the Urban Challenge, an example of a demonstration of automated driving technology. Boss" in Carnegie Mellon University's Urban Challenge, an example of a demonstration experiment of self-driving technology.
Learning a Driving Simulator" (2016): A paper on the development of automated driving technology using a driving simulator.
These papers and experimental data are an important source of information for the development of automated driving technologies and solutions to problems.