tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/26

今日のボヤキ 3/26



  • EV...って?

EVは「Electric Vehicle」の略で、日本語では「電気自動車」と訳されます。EVは燃料としてガソリンやディーゼル燃料を使用しない代わりに、電気で動く自動車のことを指します。電気自動車には、充電式電気自動車(BEV)、プラグインハイブリッド車(PHEV)、燃料電池自動車(FCEV)などがあります。近年、EVの普及が進み、環境問題の解決にも貢献しています。



  • EVの活躍分野


  1. 自動車産業:近年、自動車メーカーはEVの開発に力を入れ、市場に投入しています。特に、燃費規制の厳しい地域では、EVが普及する傾向があります。
  2. 鉄道輸送:多くの鉄道車両は、電気駆動のモーターを使用しています。電気を使用することで、環境負荷を低減することができます。
  3. 産業用車両:工場や倉庫で使用されるフォークリフトなどの産業用車両でも、電気駆動の車両が使用されています。
  4. 住宅用エネルギー貯蔵:EVのバッテリーは、太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギーの貯蔵にも使用されます。
  5. スマートグリッド:EVのバッテリーは、スマートグリッドに接続され、電力需要のピーク時に電力を供給することができます。




  • EVの進化の過程





  • EVと家庭の関係性...?







  • EVが家庭用バッテリーの代替になる...?


2018年に、ドイツの自然エネルギー研究センター(Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems)は、EVバッテリーを家庭用エネルギー貯蔵装置として使用する可能性についての研究を行いました。その結果、EVバッテリーが家庭用エネルギー貯蔵装置として使用される場合、バッテリー寿命の維持のために、バッテリー容量のうち70%程度が利用可能になることが明らかになりました。この場合、利用可能な容量が13kWhのEVバッテリーを使用する場合、10年以上にわたって毎日の家庭用電力需要を賄うことができるとされています。





  • 新たなビジネスの可能性


  1. EV充電インフラの整備:EVの普及には、充電インフラが必要不可欠です。EV充電ステーションの設置、充電器の開発・販売など、EV充電インフラ関連のビジネスが拡大する可能性があります。
  2. EVバッテリーの再利用:EVバッテリーは寿命が尽きると交換する必要がありますが、その後もまだ一定の容量が残っているため、再利用することができます。EVバッテリーの再利用に関するビジネスも、今後拡大する可能性があります。
  3. EV用バッテリーの製造:EVの普及に伴い、EV用バッテリーの需要が高まることが予想されます。EV用バッテリーの製造に関連するビジネスも、今後拡大する可能性があります。
  4. EVと電力市場の連携:EVは、蓄電池としても機能するため、電力市場と連携することで、需要家側から電力を供給する仕組みを構築することが可能です。EVと電力市場の連携に関連するビジネスも、今後注目される可能性があります。
  5. 自動運転車の展開:EVの普及に伴い、自動運転車も普及する可能性があります。自動運転車に関連するビジネスも、今後拡大する可能性があります。




  • 人手不足の輸送業界に革命を!







English edition


Today's blurbs 3/26

EV... What is it?
EV stands for "Electric Vehicle," which in Japanese translates to "electric vehicle." An EV is a vehicle that runs on electricity instead of using gasoline or diesel fuel as fuel. EVs include rechargeable electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). In recent years, EVs have become increasingly popular and are contributing to solving environmental problems.

Active Fields of EVs
EVs are used in a variety of fields. Some of the representative fields are listed below.
Automotive industry: In recent years, automakers have been focusing on the development of EVs and bringing them to market. EVs are particularly prevalent in regions with strict fuel economy regulations.
Rail transportation: Many rail vehicles use electric drive motors. The use of electricity reduces environmental impact.
Industrial Vehicles: Industrial vehicles such as forklifts used in factories and warehouses also use electric drive.
Residential energy storage: EV batteries are also used to store renewable energy such as solar power.
Smart grid: EV batteries can be connected to a smart grid to provide power during peak demand periods.
As described above, EVs are used in a wide range of fields and are expected to attract more and more attention in the future.

Evolutionary Process of EVs
The evolutionary process of EVs is as follows
Early EVs: The first EVs were developed in the late 19th century, small cars with electric drive. However, they were not widely used due to the long charging time and short cruising range of the technology available at the time.
Hybrid vehicles: In the 1990s, hybrid vehicles were introduced. Hybrid vehicles combine a fuel engine with an electric motor to improve fuel efficiency and enable ecological driving.
Pure EVs: In the 2000s, advances in battery technology led to the emergence of pure EVs, which have improved recharging times and extended driving ranges, increasing market demand.
Introduction of autonomous driving technology: Recent EVs are safer and more comfortable to drive due to the introduction of autonomous driving technology. The development of self-driving cars is also progressing and is expected to evolve in the future.
The EVs are expected to contribute to a sustainable society: Since they do not use fuel, they reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In combination with renewable energy, EVs are also expected to contribute to a sustainable society.
As described above, EVs continue to evolve in response to technological advances and the needs of society.

Relationship between EVs and households...?
The relationship between EVs and the home is as follows
Charging EVs at home: EVs can be charged from household electrical outlets. This allows EVs to be charged at home, eliminating the need to travel to a charging station or refuel at a gas station.
Charging EVs with home solar power: Households with solar power generation systems can charge their EVs using electricity generated by solar power. This allows for a self-sufficient lifestyle.
Using EV batteries as household energy storage devices: Batteries installed in EVs can be used as household energy storage devices. This allows electricity generated by solar power generation to be stored in the battery and used at night or when it rains.
Install EV charging stations for home use: Installing EV charging stations for home use allows for faster charging. Also, if an outside charging station is not available, a home charging station can always be used to charge the vehicle.
As described above, EVs can be used in the home, and in combination with solar power generation, can achieve energy self-sufficiency.

Various studies and experiments have been conducted on the relationship between EVs and the home, some of which are listed below.
Charging EVs with home solar power: A report published in 2015 by the U.S. Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) showed that installing a home solar power system can reduce annual charging costs by more than 30%. Charging EVs with home solar power can also have a positive impact on the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Using EV Batteries as Home Energy Storage Devices: An experiment was conducted during the Dutch holiday season in which EV batteries were used to act as home energy storage devices. This experiment showed that using EV batteries as household energy storage devices can reduce household electricity use.
Install EV charging stations for home use: according to a survey conducted in 2019, 63% of EV owners in Germany reported charging their EVs at home. Installing EV charging stations at home can also reduce EV charging time and make EV life more comfortable.
These studies and experiments demonstrate the relationship between EVs and the home. However, when EVs are used in the home, considerations related to the safety of charging facilities and electricity demand must be taken into account.

EVs can replace household batteries...?
There are several views on the possibility of EVs replacing household batteries. On the one hand, some studies suggest that EV batteries can be used as household energy storage devices. Below we present some clarifying figures on this possibility.
In 2018, the German Center for Renewable Energy Research (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems) conducted a study on the possibility of using EV batteries as household energy storage devices. The results showed that when EV batteries are used as household energy storage devices, approximately 70% of the battery capacity is available to maintain battery life. In this case, an EV battery with an available capacity of 13 kWh would be able to meet daily household electricity needs for more than 10 years.
On the other hand, it is also noted that using EV batteries as household energy storage devices presents some challenges compared to household batteries. For example, EV batteries are expensive and replacement costs are high, and they require high charge-discharge cycles when used as household energy storage devices.
For these reasons, it can be said that EV batteries have the potential to replace household batteries, but there are still issues to be addressed before they can be realized.

New Business Potential
As EVs become more widespread, new EV-related businesses may emerge. Some examples are listed below.
Development of EV charging infrastructure: Charging infrastructure is essential for the widespread use of EVs, and businesses related to EV charging infrastructure could expand, including the installation of EV charging stations and the development and sale of chargers.
EV battery reuse: EV batteries need to be replaced when they reach the end of their useful life, but they can be reused after that as they still have a certain amount of capacity left.
EV battery manufacturing: Demand for EV batteries is expected to increase as EVs become more popular, and business related to EV battery manufacturing could also expand in the future.
Linkage between EVs and the electric power market: Since EVs can also function as storage batteries, they can be linked to the electric power market to create a mechanism for supplying power from the customer side.
Deployment of self-driving cars: As EVs become more widespread, self-driving cars may also become more widespread. Businesses related to self-driving cars may also expand in the future.
As described above, EVs have potential for new businesses, and as the EV market is expected to continue to expand, the creation of new businesses is attracting attention.

Revolutionizing the understaffed transportation industry!
The widespread use of EVs is expected to revolutionize the transportation industry. Below are some of the potential reforms that EVs could bring to distribution
Reduced transportation costs: EVs have lower fuel and maintenance costs than traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. This could lead to cost savings in the logistics and delivery industries.
Reduced environmental impact: Because EVs run on electricity, they emit less CO2 from fuel combustion, thereby reducing environmental impact. This could improve the sustainability of the distribution industry.
Improved delivery efficiency: EVs can charge and accelerate quickly and drive smoother and faster than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. This could improve delivery efficiency, leading to faster delivery speeds and less traffic congestion.
Improved logistics: EVs are equipped with storage batteries that allow delivery companies to forecast electricity demand. This allows them to respond to changes in electricity demand, which can lead to improved logistics.
Transformation of the electricity market: Since EVs can also function as storage batteries, it is possible to establish a framework for supplying electricity from the consumer side in conjunction with the electricity market. This has the potential to change the conventional framework of electricity demand and supply.
As described above, EVs are expected to bring about major reforms in the distribution industry, and their widespread use has the potential to revolutionize distribution by enabling sustainable transportation and more efficient logistics.