tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 9/11




ビジネスモデルキャンバス のイラスト 素材



 今回新たに導入した「無限バナナ」は、 従業員の健康配慮と感染対策の両立を考え、 オフィスに食べ放題のバナナコーナーを設置し、 出社した従業員がいつでも自由にバナナを食べることができる福利厚生。 栄養価の高いバナナを栄養補助として提供することで、 忙しくて食事が疎かになってしまう従業員の健康促進を図る。

 また、 使い切りの手袋を着用し、 バナナの房から一本ずつ切って皮を剥いて直接手を触れずに食べることができるので、 衛生的にも感染対策が可能。

 コロプラでは、 これまでも従業員の健康に配慮し、 おにぎりやフルーツなどをビュッフェ形式で提供を行ってきたが、 新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響を受け2020年2月に提供を休止した。

 一方で、 出社・在宅で働く環境が変わり、 さまざまな制度が見直される中で、 感染対策と健康促進を両立できる施策を検討した結果、 栄養補助として、 豊富な栄養と皮付きで直接手を触れずに食べることができるということから「バナナ」が候補として上がり、 今年2月に実施したオフィス移転を機に「無限バナナβ版」の運用を開始した。

 「無限バナナ」はその名の通り、 バナナを無限に食べることできるという意味から命名された。

 また「無限バナナ」を設置している場所にはバナナの木をイメージできる観葉植物を設置したり、 社内には食べ終わったバナナの皮を捨てる専用のごみ箱も設置するなど、 エンターテインメント企業として遊び心を忘れない工夫もされている。









English edition


This topic of unique benefits is attracting national and international attention.

Google, for example, seems to have everything you need to make your life complete only in the company. It's a kind of trap! I would think... . w

This time, we look at the benefits package at the well-known gaming company Coloplast.




What is the new benefit of 'Infinity Banana'?
 The newly introduced 'Mugen Banana' is an employee benefits scheme that sets up an all-you-can-eat banana corner in the office and allows employees to freely eat bananas anytime they come into the office, with the aim of both taking employee health into consideration and preventing infection. By providing bananas with high nutritional value as a nutritional supplement, the scheme aims to promote the health of employees who are too busy to eat.

 The bananas are also hygienically protected against infection, as they can be eaten without direct contact with their hands, wearing single-use gloves and cutting and peeling each banana from the bunch.

■ Full-scale operation after beta operation
 Coroplast had previously provided a buffet of onigiri (rice balls), fruit, and other items in consideration of employee health, but this was suspended in February 2020 due to the spread of the new coronavirus.

 Meanwhile, as the working environment changed and various systems were reviewed, the company considered measures that could both counter infection and promote health, and as a result, 'bananas' were shortlisted as a nutritional supplement because of their rich nutritional content and the fact that they can be eaten without direct contact with the skin, and this was implemented in February this year. The 'Mugen Banana beta version was launched on the occasion of the office relocation in February this year.

 As the name suggests, the 'Mugen Banana' was named after the banana, which can be eaten indefinitely.

 The company has also taken steps to ensure that it remains playful as an entertainment company, such as installing plants that evoke the image of banana trees in the areas where Infinite Banana is installed and installing special dustbins in the office for throwing away banana peels after eating them.


It certainly seems to be full of the uniqueness that only a games company can offer.

Bananas are free of infection concerns and nutritious, killing two birds with one stone.

With my job hunt coming up in a year, I would like to pay attention to these benefits and think about them.

What kind of benefits would you enjoy going to work with?