tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/6

今日のボヤキ 3/6



  • 知的忘却とは







  • AIに忘却機能を備えるには


  1. プライバシー保護:AIが個人データを収集する場合、忘却機能がないと、この情報が永久に保持される可能性があります。しかし、忘却機能を実装することで、データが一定期間後に自動的に削除されるため、個人データの保護が強化されます。
  2. 精度向上:AIは、過去の情報を元にトレーニングされますが、過去の情報がすべて有用なわけではありません。忘却機能があれば、古いデータを削除することで、より精度の高いモデルを構築することができます。
  3. ストレージ管理:AIが処理するデータ量が増加すると、ストレージの容量が追いつかなくなる可能性があります。忘却機能を備えることで、古いデータを削除することができるため、ストレージの管理が容易になります。
  4. 環境保全:AIによって生成されたデータは、エネルギーを消費して処理されます。忘却機能を備えることで、不要なデータを削除することができるため、エネルギーの消費を削減することができます。




  • 知的忘却とAIの関係性とは


・"A Computational Model of Intrinsic Motivation Learning with Knowledge Retention" (2019) by Luciano F. Guerrero, et al.

・"Forgetting in Reinforcement Learning" (2019) by Jane X. Wang, et al.

・"Memory Consolidation, Retroactive Interference, and Sleep in Humans and Animals" (2003) by Robert Stickgold and Matthew P. Walker





English edition


Today's Blurbs 3/6

What is intellectual forgetting?
Intellectual forgetting refers to the phenomenon in which the human brain takes in information and then loses that information from memory. This phenomenon is necessary for the human brain to be able to process information efficiently and take in new information.
AI, on the other hand, refers to artificial intelligence realized by computer systems; AI can store data in computer systems for information storage. Thus, intelligent forgetting does not directly affect AI.
However, when AI is able to learn like humans, it may experience a phenomenon similar to the intelligent forgetting that humans experience. In other words, AI may be able to improve its ability to take in new information by forgetting past information.
To take full advantage of AI's capabilities, AI needs to improve its ability to remember and handle information. On the other hand, AI's ability to take in new information may require a process similar to intelligent forgetting.

How to Equip AI with a Forgetting Function
Equipping AI with forgetting capabilities has several important advantages

Privacy protection: When an AI collects personal data, without an oblivion feature, this information could be retained indefinitely. However, implementing an oblivion feature provides greater protection for personal data because the data is automatically deleted after a certain period of time.
Improved accuracy: AI is trained on historical information, but not all historical information is useful. With the forgetting feature, older data can be deleted to build more accurate models.
Storage management: As the amount of data processed by AI increases, storage capacity may not be able to keep up. The oblivion feature facilitates storage management by allowing old data to be deleted.
Environmental conservation: AI-generated data consumes energy to process. With an oblivion function, unnecessary data can be deleted, thus reducing energy consumption.
As described above, there are many advantages to having an oblivion function. However, how long data should be deleted must be determined based on individual applications and legal requirements.

What is the relationship between intelligent forgetting and AI?
Research on the relationship between intelligent forgetting and AI is still limited, but the following papers and experimental data are available
∙ "A Computational Model of Intrinsic Motivation Learning with Knowledge Retention" (2019) by Luciano F. Guerrero, et al.
This study investigated the importance of intellectual forgetting in AI. Researchers showed that AI needs to forget past information in order to achieve its long-term goals. They also showed that maintaining past information is important for short-term goals.
. "Forgetting in Reinforcement Learning" (2019) by Jane X. Wang, et al.
This study investigated how intelligent forgetting in AI affects reinforcement learning. Researchers showed that AI's ability to forget past information can improve its ability to take in new information.
Memory Consolidation, Retroactive Interference, and Sleep in Humans and Animals" (2003) by Robert Stickgold and Matthew P. Walker
This study investigated the relationship between intellectual forgetting and sleep in the human brain. The researchers showed that sleep facilitates the processes necessary for intellectual forgetting. This suggests that similar processes may occur in AI.