tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/5

今日のボヤキ 3/5


  • 地球の持続可能性を高めるためには


  1. 温室効果ガスの削減:人間活動によって大量に排出される温室効果ガスを削減することが必要です。具体的には、再生可能エネルギーの利用やエネルギー効率の改善などが考えられます。
  2. 自然環境の保護:自然環境を保護し、生態系のバランスを維持することが大切です。具体的には、森林の保護や海洋汚染の防止などが考えられます。
  3. 持続可能な消費と生産:資源の有効活用やリサイクル、廃棄物の処理などを通じて、持続可能な消費と生産を実現することが重要です。
  4. 地球規模の協力:地球規模での協力が必要です。国際的な枠組みに基づく取り組みや、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)に取り組むことが求められます。




  • 重要なのは聞き取る力






  • デジタルリスニング力



  1. 聴取する前に情報源を確認すること:情報源が信頼できるかどうかを確認することが重要です。偽情報やフェイクニュースを避けるために、複数の情報源を比較し、情報の正確性を確認することが必要です。
  2. 聴取中は注意力を集中すること:デジタルメディアでは、音声や映像が一瞬で変わることがあります。そのため、聴取中は注意力を集中して情報を正確に聴き取ることが必要です。
  3. 聴取した情報を評価すること:聴取した情報を評価し、その信頼性や適切性を判断することが必要です。そのためには、自分の持つ知識や情報を活用し、論理的に考えることが必要です。
  4. 相手の意図や文脈を理解すること:情報を正確に理解するためには、相手の意図や文脈を理解することが重要です。相手の背景や文化を理解し、情報を適切に解釈することが必要です。






English edition


Today's Blurbs 3/5

How to Increase the Sustainability of the Earth
To increase the sustainability of the Earth, it is important to

Reduction of greenhouse gases: It is necessary to reduce the large number of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. Specifically, this may include the use of renewable energy sources and improvements in energy efficiency.
Protection of the natural environment: It is important to protect the natural environment and maintain ecological balance. Specific examples include the protection of forests and the prevention of marine pollution.
Sustainable consumption and production: It is important to achieve sustainable consumption and production through the effective use of resources, recycling, and waste disposal.
Global cooperation: Cooperation on a global scale is necessary. Efforts based on international frameworks and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be addressed.
In addition to these efforts, individuals, companies, and governments need to be proactive in their own right.

The key is the ability to listen
The ability to listen to nature, plants, and animals refers to the ability to hear and sense their presence and voices. Nature, animals, and plants are very important to us and deeply involved in our lives. However, in modern society, urbanization and population growth have reduced our contact with nature, plants, and animals, and we have lost the ability to hear their voices and presence.

Having the ability to listen to nature, animals, and plants allows us to deepen our connection with nature and coexist with it. It also allows us to read signs emitted by nature, animals, and plants, and to predict environmental problems and natural disasters in advance. They can also develop an interest in nature, plants, and animals, and work to protect nature and preserve biodiversity.

To improve our ability to listen to nature, plants, and animals, it is important to first increase our exposure to nature and feel its voice and presence. By receiving guidance from experts, they can also learn how to read the voices and signs of nature, animals, and plants. Furthermore, by participating in activities that address conservation and environmental issues, you can deepen your connection with nature.

Digital Listening Skills
Digital listening skills refer to the ability to hear and understand accurate information and communication through the use of digital technology. In today's society, a variety of information is widely distributed through digital media such as the Internet and SNS. Therefore, digital listening skills are one of the most important elements of information literacy.

To improve digital listening skills, it is necessary to

Verify the source of information before listening: It is important to make sure that the source of information is reliable. To avoid disinformation and fake news, multiple sources should be compared to confirm the accuracy of the information.
Focus your attention while listening: In digital media, audio, and video can change in an instant. Therefore, it is necessary to focus attention while listening to ensure that the information is accurate.
Evaluating the information you hear: It is necessary to evaluate the information you hear and judge its reliability and appropriateness. To do so, it is necessary to utilize the knowledge and information you have and to think logically.
Understanding the intent and context of the other party: To understand information accurately, it is important to understand the intent and context of the other party. It is necessary to understand the background and culture of the other party and interpret information appropriately.
By improving your digital listening skills, you can gather accurate information and become familiar with how to handle information. This will help you form your own opinions, improve your judgment, and enhance your communication skills.