tomoki0kun’s diary








海外メディアViceは、任天堂ゲームに対するクラッカー集団「Team Xecuter」の顔役とされるGary Bowser氏の米国での裁判に関して、さらなる情報を報じました。この裁判は被告の名字が「クッパ」の英語名と同じ「Bowser」であることから国内外で注目を浴びています。

裁判の記録によると、創業者Max Louarnと幹部Yuanning Chenを中心に活動していた「Team Xecuter」は最も“多作な”ビデオゲームハッキンググループのひとつとされ、任天堂ゲームを不正利用できるデバイスの開発・販売で数千万ドルの収益をあげていたとのことです。








English edition


Today's blurbs

Today's blurbs are about the "Bowser Lawsuit".

Overseas, Bowser is suing Bowser! And it's a hot topic.


Vice, a foreign media outlet, reported more information regarding the trial in the US of Gary Bowser, the alleged face of Team Xecuter, a group of crackers against Nintendo games. The trial has attracted attention both domestically and internationally because the defendant's last name is "Bowser", the same as the English name of Bowser.

According to court records, Team Xecuter, led by founder Max Louarn and executive Yuanning Chen, was considered one of the most "prolific" video game hacking groups, generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue by developing and selling devices that could be used to cheat Nintendo games.


Bowser was sentenced to 40 months in prison for operating a website that contained more than 10,000 illegal copies of games, and will also pay $4.5 million in damages to Nintendo. He was also ordered to pay $10 million for a related civil lawsuit, bringing the total amount he is expected to pay to $14.5 million (about 1.7 billion yen).


With the development of the Internet, many pirated copies of comics, games, etc. have recently become available. However, it is difficult to trace them back to their origin, and most of them seem to have passed through a number of overseas servers.

It is amazing that Nintendo's legal department, which is said to be the most powerful in the world, was able to gather evidence and win the case.