tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/14

今日のボヤキ 2/14


















English edition


Blurbs of the Day 2/14

I believe that "challenge" becomes more difficult as one gets older, and the more one takes on, the more one becomes afraid to take on the challenge. Few Japanese people can weigh the current situation against the future and make the choice to abandon the current situation. The term "career advancement," which we hear so often these days, is also involved here, but I wonder if it can be simply put aside as a national trait that our track record is lower than that of other countries.

Why Fukushima is chosen as a "place to challenge" for young people

A city where people can take on challenges from scratch.
 With such keywords, Fukushima Prefecture is now attracting attention from the younger generation as a place to move to.
 Twelve years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and in addition to the return of former residents, the number of people moving to Fukushima from other prefectures is increasing as the prefecture moves forward with reconstruction efforts.
 In addition to the support for migration and other aspects of daily life, the background to this trend is the business advantage of "being able to take on challenges that are not available in other regions," such as starting a business or changing careers.
 In fact, according to a survey of 500 men and women in their 20s and 30s from all over Japan with the intention of starting a business, about half said they would be able to "take on the challenge" of starting a business in Fukushima.

With the lifting of the directive in Futaba Town, residents can now live in all 12 municipalities that were under evacuation orders, with the exception of some areas.
 In fact, since the center's launch in 2021, the number of people moving to the 12 municipalities has increased.
 In fiscal year 2020, there were about 200 people, but in fiscal year 2021, that number doubled to more than 400 people.

Saying that "it is not an area that has everything" may give the impression that it is not a good environment in which to start a business, but I would like to emphasize that it is in fact a very attractive market.
 First of all, the population of the 12 municipalities continues to increase.
 In terms of supply and demand, there is an excess of demand, and there is a shortage of labor, especially with regard to the service industry. Restaurants are almost always full at lunchtime, and considering that the nighttime population will be increasing, there is also a shortage of taverns and the like.
 In local areas, these cases are extremely rare. My personal view is that demand will outstrip supply for about 10 years. Not to mention the abundance of business opportunities.

─ Some people are concerned about the safety situation, such as radiation levels. What do you think about this point?
 I can tell you on a factual basis that the air dose in the habitable area is about the same level as in Tokyo.
 The radiation dose in Tokyo is about 0.04 microsievert, and the dose in Minamisoma City, one of the 12 municipalities, and Iwaki City, introduced earlier, is 0.06 microsievert, so there is no danger for people to live their lives.

I am truly amazed at the power of the towns that have overcome the catastrophe and are trying to "restart" and rebuild. As this article says, it is not a matter of "nothing is good enough," but of "starting something new from scratch," and I think that is a wonderful thing. I believe that the town and its people will be formed from now on, and the region will come together as one and become a symbol of a new regional recovery. It seems that the best place for companies and start-ups is not overseas or online, but closer to home.