tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/15

今日のボヤキ 2/15









「ストレスや変化の多い状況が続く中、しょっぱい系スナック菓子は消費者を落ち着かせたり、ストレス発散にも役立っています」とミンテルのアナリスト、ケルシー・オルセン(Kelsey Olsen)氏はコメントしている。



モンデリーズのCEOダーク・バンデプット(Dirk Van de Put)氏も、同社がハリス・ポール(Harris Poll)と共同で実施した調査の結果をレポート『State of Snacking』として1月に公表した後、同様の指摘をしている。この調査はアメリカ、カナダ、ブラジル、メキシコ、中国、イギリスを含む12の市場で3530人の成人を対象に行われた。


「わたしたちのレポート『State of Snacking』では、この厳しい時代に世界中の消費者がお気に入りの菓子を手頃で、なくてはならない嗜好品として捉えていることが分かっています」とバンデプット氏はコメントしている。









English edition


Blurbs of the Day 2/15

What kind of "healing" do you seek in your busy days?
People may go shopping or out somewhere for fun on their days off, but many of us probably eat sweets as a reward for our hard work or as a way to give ourselves energy.
What effect do these sweets have on us?

According to a recent report by market research firm Mintel, the market for salty snacks, including popular brands such as Frito-Lay potato chips and Doritos, continues to grow even as prices rise and consumers become increasingly concerned about inflation.
Mintel analysts attribute the current high demand to the fact that these snacks are considered a tool to help consumers "calm down," relax, and de-stress.
According to the Mintel survey, more than 25% of Americans say their consumption of salty snacks has increased in the past year, and 47% of millennials say they eat more potato chips, popcorn, and pretzels than before.
In a time of stress and change, salty snacks are helping to calm consumers and relieve stress," said Kelsey Olsen, an analyst with Mintel.
Sour snacks excel at satisfying cravings and meeting emotional needs, and are expanding their role beyond a 'quick fix' to satisfy hunger.


Mondelez CEO Dirk Van de Put made a similar point after the publication in January of the State of Snacking report, the results of a study the company conducted with Harris Poll. The survey polled 3,530 adults in 12 markets, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, China, and the United Kingdom.
Eighty percent of consumers responding to the survey said it is more important than ever to have "time to indulge" during the day. In short, a good snack keeps morale up.
Our State of Snacking report shows that consumers around the world view their favorite snacks as an affordable and essential indulgence in these challenging times," commented Vandeput.
'Eating snacks continue to be a way for consumers to connect with others and find pleasure throughout the day. inflation-301737651.html#:~:text=Salty%20snacks%20are%20meeting%20emotional,as%20a%20motivator%20(58%25).


The "temptations" that attract us are often said to be bad for our bodies, but they may be necessary for our mental health.
But we must be careful not to eat too much of them because they contain a lot of sugar and salt, but...
But it's not a bad idea to eat it as an energy boost to get through the day, as a reward for all your hard work!