tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/11

今日のボヤキ 3/11



  • ホープツーリズム(Hope Tourism)とは

ホープツーリズム(Hope Tourism)とは、災害や紛争などの被災地や危機的な状況にある地域を訪れる旅行のことを指します。






  1. 広島市平和公園:原爆投下後に市内が壊滅的な被害を受けた広島市が、原爆ドームを残し平和公園を整備し、平和への祈りを込めた「原爆ドーム」や平和記念資料館などがあることで、世界中からの多くの観光客を集めることに成功しました。
  2. タイのチェンマイ:タイ北部に位置するチェンマイは、2004年に発生した津波被害の影響を受け、ホープツーリズムを活用して復興を図りました。観光客に向けたプロモーション活動を積極的に行い、文化や歴史、自然に恵まれた観光資源をアピールすることで、年々観光客数が増加しています。
  3. ニューオーリンズ:2005年に発生したハリケーンカトリーナによって被害を受けたニューオーリンズは、ホープツーリズムを活用して街の再生を目指しました。音楽や文化など、街ならではの魅力を生かしたイベントや観光プログラムを展開し、観光客を呼び込むことに成功しました。




  • 日本での活用例







  • 3.11からの復興









English edition


Today's blurbs  3/10

What is Hope Tourism?
Hope Tourism refers to travel to areas affected by disasters, conflicts, and other crises.
Hope Tourism aims to promote local recovery by encouraging visitors to support local economic activities. It is also expected to help visitors understand the diversity of culture and history by interacting with local people.
However, for Hope Tourism to be properly implemented, it is important to understand the current situation of the affected and crisis-stricken areas and to respect the opinions of local people. It is also necessary to pay close attention to issues such as the burden placed on local communities by tourists and the destruction of the environment.

Successful Examples of Hope Tourism
Hope tourism refers to the process of restoring and revitalizing communities through tourism in difficult situations, such as disasters and conflicts. Successful examples include the following
Peace Park in Hiroshima: After the city was devastated by the atomic bombing, the city of Hiroshima succeeded in attracting many tourists from around the world by leaving the A-bomb Dome behind and developing Peace Park, which includes the A-bomb Dome and Peace Memorial Museum, a prayer for peace.
Chiang Mai, Thailand: Chiang Mai, located in northern Thailand, was affected by the 2004 tsunami disaster and used Hope Tourism to rebuild. By actively conducting promotional activities for tourists and promoting its cultural, historical, and natural tourist resources, the number of tourists has been increasing year after year.
New Orleans: Damaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, New Orleans sought to revitalize the city using Hope Tourism. The city successfully attracted tourists by developing events and tourism programs that capitalized on the city's unique attractions, such as music and culture.
These examples show that Hope Tourism has the potential to contribute to the recovery of disaster-affected areas and conflict zones by taking advantage of the tourism resources that the region should have, such as its culture, history, and nature.

Examples of Applications in Japan
Some regions in Japan are facing challenges such as damage caused by disasters and depopulation in rural areas. Therefore, it is possible to use Hope Tourism to help rebuild and revitalize these regions.
For example, the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the enhancement of tourism programs that take advantage of local tourism resources in the regions can be considered. It is also effective to develop tourism that takes advantage of Japan's unique culture, history, nature, and other attractions.
Furthermore, even under difficult circumstances in the tourism industry due to the coronary disaster, Hope Tourism can be used to promote tourism in the region. For example, local tourism programs with strong infection prevention measures and online virtual tours can be effective.
Japan has a wealth of tourism resources, many of which are located in rural areas. By using Hope Tourism to revitalize regions and promote tourism, we can contribute to the revitalization of rural areas and the development of the tourism industry.

Recovery from 3.11
Fukushima Prefecture is a region that was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. However, Fukushima Prefecture has become one of the successful examples of using Hope Tourism to help rebuild the region.
Fukushima Prefecture has developed many facilities, including the architectural design of the Fukushima Industrial Exchange Center Azuma and the Fukushima Prefectural Government Building, as symbolic places for reconstruction. Furthermore, the prefecture has developed a tourism program that takes advantage of Fukushima's unique tourism resources, such as the local agriculture and fishing industries.
In addition, to overcome the reputational damage caused by the nuclear power plant accident, Fukushima Prefecture is promoting the sale of "safe Fukushima Prefecture products with low radiation levels" and providing accurate information to tourists. As a result of these efforts, the number of tourists to Fukushima Prefecture has been steadily increasing.
Fukushima Prefecture aims to use Hope Tourism to revitalize the region while promoting regional initiatives for reconstruction. Therefore, Fukushima Prefecture can serve as a reference for other regions as a successful example of Hope Tourism.