tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/23

今日のボヤキ 2/23






男女別に見ると、男性は「将来結婚もしたくないし、子どももほしくない」(43.4%)と回答した割合が最も多く、女性は「将来結婚して、子どもがほしい」(52%)が最も多かった。男性は「将来、子どもがほしくない」 が51.3%と半数を超えている。










English edition


Today's Blabbermouth 2/23


The recent statements by the Prime Minister of Japan have caused a stir in the world regarding "child-rearing" and "fostering the next generation," but what do Generation Z, who will be responsible for the future, think about this?

On February 21, BIGLOBE released the results of its "Generation Z Attitude Survey on Child Rearing. The survey was conducted via the Internet from February 7 to 9, targeting 500 men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 nationwide.
When asked about future marriage and children, the most common response was "I want to get married and have children in the future" (44.9%), followed by "I neither want to get married nor have children in the future" (36.1%). 9.4% of the respondents answered, "I want to have children even if I don't stick to marriage in the future," followed by 9.6% who answered, "I want to get married in the future, but I don't want children. The total of "do not want children in the future" accounted for 45.7% of the responses.
By gender, the largest percentage of men (43.4%) answered, "I don't want to get married and have children in the future," while the largest percentage of women (52%) answered, "I want to get married and have children in the future. More than half of the male respondents (51.3%) did not want to have children in the future.
When those who answered that they did not want children in the future were asked the reason, the most common answer was "other than money problems" (42.1%), followed by "both (money and other) problems" (40.2%) and "money problems" (17.7%).
When asked about reasons other than money issues for not wanting to have children, the top responses were "I am not confident in raising children" (52.3%), "I do not like children or am not good with children" (45.9%), and "I will have less freedom (do not want my time to be restricted)" (36%).


Responses varied widely by gender, with men seemingly more reluctant to raise children. Other than money, the percentage of non-financial reasons is high, and even if the reforms related to childcare that are being introduced now would not seem to be enough to overcome the current situation.
It seems necessary to investigate what is needed and what are the causes, and to examine more specifically how to increase the number of children and provide incentives for child rearing.
As the nuclear family continues to grow, I would like to see the government make efforts to increase the number of children, rather than considering a period of time and policies regarding cooperation and support among acquaintances when the number of children increases.