今日のボヤキ 2/22
English edition
Today's blurbs 2/22
Post-payment" is being introduced more and more on mail-order websites and payments. Although this system should be limited to those who have passed the credit card screening and have the ability to repay, it has been introduced on some shopping sites and payment applications in order to expand the range of use to students and others who cannot obtain credit cards. How will they be held accountable for their repayment obligations?
On April 14, the British government released a draft law regulating BNPL (postpaid payment for purchases of goods) providers. The government moved to tighten regulations on the grounds that the current situation, in which users are not adequately screened for their ability to repay their debts, may cause damage to consumers.
BNPL providers typically offer short-term loans for purchases such as clothing, allowing customers to repay the loan in installments and without interest. The size of the industry nearly quadrupled in 2020, when a new coronavirus pandemic hit, swelling to 2.7 billion pounds ($3.28 billion), but few regulations have been imposed.
Consumer groups have warned that cash-strapped people are using BNPL to pay for food and utilities and racking up debt in the wake of the rising cost of living.
The proposed BNPL regulations released by the Ministry of Finance, which would give the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) the authority to license businesses and their activities, opened for public comment on this date.
Andrew Griffiths, the ministry's parliamentary secretary for economic affairs, said in a statement that "people should be able to borrow low-cost funds, but with strong protections.
The BNPL is currently available with minimal credit checks, and there is no obligation for providers to inform users of important information. This could lead to some people borrowing more than they can afford to repay, the ministry said.
This ease of borrowing leads to many cases of easy access and failure to repay the loan. It would not be surprising if a similar phenomenon occurs in Japan unless measures are taken, for example, limiting the areas where it can be used or increasing the penalty for its repayment.