tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/17

今日のボヤキ 2/17














English edition


Today's Blurbs 2/17

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida noted at a Lower House Budget Committee meeting on February 15 that Japan's family-related social spending, including child-rearing policies, was at 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) in FY2020, and said, "I am talking about doubling that even more. The Prime Minister has stated that he will double the child-related budget. So far, he has not specified on what basis he will double the amount.
 According to data from the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, family-related social spending in FY20 was around 10 trillion yen, or 2.01% of GDP.
 The prime minister said, "We must consider the budget according to the content. He did not specify as to the specific amount of money to be increased.


As for the current situation, according to a survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), public spending on child and child-rearing support in each country (2005) is 1.79% of GDP in Japan, lower than the OECD average of 2.34%. This is half the level of France (3.6%), which has raised its fertility rate through policy measures. Countries with high expenditure ratios also have high fertility rates.


 According to Shintaro Yamaguchi, a professor at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Economics, the establishment of the Child and Family Agency is expected to secure stable financial resources, but what should be watched closely is how these resources are used. Child-related expenditures consist mainly of "cash benefits" such as child allowances and "in-kind benefits" such as childcare and early childhood education. While both have the effect of raising the fertility rate, research has shown that in-kind benefits, such as the improvement of daycare centers and early childhood education, are more effective.
 Professor Yamaguchi pointed out, "Increasing cash transfers can provide economic leeway, but it does not necessarily lead to an increase in the number of children, and there is a tendency to emphasize investment in education per child. It is better to "redirect the money to improving the child-rearing environment," including better early childhood education, he said.

There was also a statement that he would like to collect defense spending and other taxes with the public's understanding, but the actual use of taxpayer funds is unclear, and the public may not be reassured by the publication of such an article.
The public will need to clarify what they need and what is needed for the future and to proceed in a planned manner.