tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 2/10

今日のボヤキ 2/10









アドベンチャートラベルのプロフェッショナルが集結するAdventure ELEVATE

Adventure ELEVATEは、Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA)が毎年開催するイベントのうち、北米を拠点とするネットワーキング会議です。優良なアドベンチャートラベル(AT)顧客を要する旅行会社や、AT経験の豊富なメディア、サプライヤーを中心としたATコミュニティのプロフェッショナル達が集い、業界内の最新トレンドや、国内外の世論を踏まえてATコミュニティが目指すべき姿などを共有します。基調講演、ATに特化したテクノロジーマーケティング、そしてツアーのオペレーション(安全管理やガイド育成等)に関する同時セッションや、随時行われる参加者同士のネットワーキングを通して、北米を中心としたATマーケットの活性化を目指しています。

2020年9月15日~16日に開催されたAdventure ELEVATE 2020は、COVID-19の影響により初のオンライン開催となりました。アフターコロナを見据え、ATのみならず、世界の観光市場の復活・反転の機会とすべく、ATTAも大変力を入れていました。今回のELEVATEには20の国と地域から例年の約2倍となる462名が参加。2日間にわたってオンライン上で、現在の状況やアフターコロナへの展望の共有がなされ、活発な議論とネットワーキングが行われました。

昨年スウェーデンで開催されたAdventure Travel World Summit (ATWS) 2019に続き、JNTOもAdventure ELEVATE 2020に参加。オンライン上にジャパンブースを設置し、ブース来訪者とチャットなどを活用しながらのネットワーキング、ATコンテンツを集約したWebサイト「JAPAN ADVENTURE 」を活用したATデスティネーションとしての日本の魅力の情報発信や、ATに取り組む地域の紹介を行いました。

ジャパンブースを訪れた来訪者に対して実施したアンケートでは、日本で体験したいATアクティビティとして「Hiking & Walking(77.5%)」が最も高く、次いで「Food & Drink(70.0%)」「Culture (See tradition)(70.0%)」という結果となりました。また、ブース来訪者の85.4%がATデスティネーションとして日本に対する興味が高まったと回答しており、イベント全体を通してATデスティネーションとしての日本の認知度向上を図ることができたと考えられます。










Instagram Edition


Today's Boyaki 2/10
Today's Boyaki is an introduction to a new style of tourism! !!
Adventure travel is an attempt to turn nature into an experiential activity.

Adventure travel that is also noteworthy as an after-corona travel style
Adventure travel (AT) is a trip that has two or more elements of "contact with nature," "cultural exchange," and "physical activity." It advocates unique experiences, self-transformation, health, challenges, low impact on culture and nature, and is supported by those who place importance on community contribution through sustainability and travel. ..
AT, which values ​​people, nature and culture, and emphasizes the relationship with the daily lives of the region, is expanding mainly in North America, Europe and Australia, and is spreading all over the world. It is also attracting attention as a travel style in the after-corona, as it is often a small group to achieve low impact while enhancing non-contact activities and experience value in nature.

Adventure ELEVATE where adventure travel professionals gather
Adventure ELEVATE is a North American-based networking conference that is held annually by the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA). Travel agencies that require excellent adventure travel (AT) customers, media with abundant AT experience, and professionals of the AT community centered on suppliers gather, and the AT community is based on the latest trends in the industry and public opinion at home and abroad. We will share what we should aim for. Revitalize the AT market centered on North America through simultaneous sessions on keynote speeches, AT-specific technology, marketing, and tour operations (safety management, guide training, etc.), and occasional networking between participants. I am aiming.
Adventure ELEVATE 2020, held from September 15th to 16th, 2020, was the first to be held online due to the influence of COVID-19. Looking ahead to the after-corona, ATTA was making great efforts not only for AT but also for the opportunity to revive and reverse the world tourism market. 462 people from 20 countries and regions participated in this ELEVATE, which is about twice as many as usual. Over the course of two days, there was lively discussion and networking, sharing the current situation and prospects for the after-corona online.
Following the Adventure Travel World Summit (ATWS) 2019 held in Sweden last year, JNTO also participated in Adventure ELEVATE 2020. We have set up a Japan booth online, networking while using chat with booth visitors, disseminating information on the appeal of Japan as an AT destination using the website "JAPAN ADVENTURE" that aggregates AT content, and AT. We introduced the areas where we are working on.
In the questionnaire conducted for visitors who visited the Japan booth, "Hiking & Walking (77.5%)" was the highest AT activity that they wanted to experience in Japan, followed by "Food & Drink (70.0%)" and "Culture (See)". tradition) (70.0%) ”. In addition, 85.4% of the booth visitors answered that their interest in Japan as an AT destination increased, and it is thought that they were able to raise awareness of Japan as an AT destination throughout the event.

The charm of Japanese adventure travel
Japan is a unique and internationally appealing land with nature such as mountains and deep forests, seas and rivers, wild animals that live there, and deep culture and history that are deeply connected to these natures. .. Based on the five experience values ​​of AT (unique experience, self-transformation, health, challenge, low impact), while valuing the lives of local people, we will make use of these local resources to create high-quality and attractive trips. Doing so will lead to sustainable tourism that will satisfy both the region and travelers.
Currently, the AT market is centered on Europe, the United States and Australia, but this movement is expected to spread and take root in the world as a new form of future travel, not just a fashion. I hope that Japan will continue to promote AT initiatives, not just transiently.

In Japan, the tourism industry is bustling with inbound tourists spending money in other countries, which is also largely due to the fact that the Japanese yen is weaker than the currencies of other countries.
However, if this continues, I don't think Japan's deflation will subside. On the other hand, I think it is a fact that the number of tourists will decrease if prices in Japan rise.
Capital inflow is also necessary, but I think it is one way to convey the appeal that is unique to Japan, or to prepare a plan for staying in Japan for a longer period of time.