English edition
This time it's a book log.
I've been looking forward to reading this book for a long time.
Eiji Morikawa, the sergeant of a major pharmaceutical company, has died, leaving behind a strange will: "All my property will be given to the person who killed me. Reiko Kenmochi, a lawyer who had a three-month relationship with Eiji when she was a student, is invited to participate in a "murderer's selection committee" organized by the Morikawa family as a representative of Eiji's friend who has come forward as a candidate for the murderer. To win a share of the estate, which is said to be worth tens of billions of yen, Reiko scrambles to frame her client as the murderer.
At the same time, one of her ex-girlfriends is also to receive the Karuizawa mansion. However, on the night of her visit to Karuizawa to complete the formalities, the safe containing the will of the trash is stolen, and Machiben, Eiji's legal advisor, is murdered by someone. ......
Author Profile
Born in February 1991. Born in Dallas, Texas, USA, raised in Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture. After graduating from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, worked as a lawyer. During his legal apprenticeship, he passed the professional test of the Supreme Tournament Japan Professional Mahjong Association and has also worked as a professional mahjong player. He was inspired to become a writer by Soseki Natsume's "I am a Cat" when he was 16 years old.
I wrote this award-winning novel for women in the hope of creating a society where women can play an active role. I wanted to write a story about a strong and quirky girl like Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind". It took me a few months to come up with the plot while writing other short stories, and I wrote it in less than three weeks after I started the manuscript. There are a lot of hard times in the world, but I hope that for a few hours in the world of books, people will be able to laugh along with the wild protagonist. Of course, readers other than women are also welcome.
As a lawyer, professional janitor, and author, I can only say that the author's view of the world is very impressive. Also, she does her best to accomplish not only her work but also her love life without sacrificing everything. I feel that it can encourage women to advance in society.
It also depicts the main character's growth process, making it a worthwhile read, and probably no one can predict the ending.
What is it that you really want?"