tomoki0kun’s diary




かがみの孤城 下」は上巻よりも場面展開が激しく、最後の伏線回収には驚かされました。さすがだなと感じさせられる物語でした。






学校での居場所をなくし、閉じこもっていた“こころ”の目の前で、ある日突然部屋の鏡が光り始めた。 輝く鏡をくぐり抜けた先にあったのは、城のような不思議な建物。 そこには“こころ”を含め、似た境遇の7人が集められていた。 なぜこの7人が、なぜこの場所に―― すべてが明らかになるとき、驚きとともに大きな感動に包まれる。 生きづらさを感じているすべての人に贈る物語。 











English edition


This time, I'd like to continue with the other day's bookogue.

In "Kagami no Kohanjo Shimo", the scene development was more intense than in the first volume, and the foreshadowing at the end was astonishing. I was surprised by the foreshadowing at the end.

Do you think that there is only one "flow of time"?

What is your "strength"?



One day, a mirror in her room suddenly began to glow in front of "Kokoro," who had lost her place at school and was confined to her room. One day, the mirror in his room suddenly started to glow in front of him. After passing through the shining mirror, he found a mysterious castle-like building. There, seven people in similar circumstances, including Kokoro, were gathered together. When everything becomes clear, you will be both surprised and moved. This is a story for all those who feel difficulty in living. 


I believe that everyone feels differently through this story.

I thought about what is "strength" and what is "weakness".

People tend to think that people who choose to run away from something are "weak". People tend to think that way.

Is that really true?

I also feel that it's a waste to give up on something before you've even tried it because you think you can't do it, but I also think that the courage to choose to run away after knowing your own capacity and characteristics is also strength.

I also believe that people who can ask for help when they really need it are also people who have strength.

Depending on the situation you are in, you may feel differently, but this is a story that you should definitely read because it depicts many ways of looking at things from different perspectives.