今日のボヤキ 2/21
2023年2月1日、一般社団法人Metaverse Japan(MVJ)は「Metaverse Japan Summit 2023」を開催した。昨年行われた前回と同じく、渋谷ストリームホールを会場として「テーマセッション」と「インタラクティブセッション」と2つのステージ設置し、オープニングも含めて合計30のセッションが行われた。
テーマセッションで行われた「メタバースが加速する日本の観光」では、MVJの代表理事を務めている長田新子氏をMCとして、一般財団法人渋谷区観光協会代表理事の金山淳吾氏、文化庁文化経済・国際課課長補佐の中平公士氏、文部科学省Policy Making for Driving MEXT(ポリメク)メタバース検討チーム代表の黒田玄氏、Psychic VR Lab取締役COOの渡邊信彦氏、大阪府・大阪市万博推進局事業推進部出展企画課担当係長の林真史氏が登壇。これまでの事例を踏まえた、観光へのメタバース活用について意見交換が行われた。
黒田氏からは2021年6月からスタートさせた、VR SNSを事例として挙げながら「メタバースの本質は人と人との交流」と指摘。黒田氏の所属する文部科学省は教育やスポーツ、文化、科学技術などを管轄しているが「これって要するに人とのつながりがあって初めて生まれるものが多い」(黒田氏)ためだ。
English edition
Today's Blurbs 2/21
Student life was lost due to the coronavirus. Although there are social networking sites, most of the exchanges are only text-based, and entertainment in the room is limited, so you may have grown bored with your daily life.
If the rapidly growing world of the metaverse were to expand into this world, it would be a much more exciting alternative to our daily lives.
On February 1, 2023, Metaverse Japan (MVJ) held the "Metaverse Japan Summit 2023. As in the previous event held last year, the Shibuya Stream Hall was the venue for two stages, the "Theme Session" and the "Interactive Session," where a total of 30 sessions, including the opening session, were held.
The theme session, "Tourism in Japan Accelerated by Metaverse," was led by Ms. Shingo Osada, MVJ Representative Director, and featured presentations by Mr. Jungo Kanayama, Representative Director of Shibuya City Tourism Association, Mr. Koji Nakahira, Assistant Director of Cultural Economy and International Affairs Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Mr. Masashi Nakahira, Director of Policy Making for Gen Kuroda, representative of the Driving MEXT (Poli MEXT) Metaverse Study Team, Nobuhiko Watanabe, COO, Psychic VR Lab, and Masashi Hayashi, Exhibition Planning Section Manager, Business Promotion Department, Osaka Expo Promotion Bureau, Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City, took the stage. They exchanged opinions on the use of the metaverse for tourism, based on past cases.
Mr. Kanayama said, "Shibuya Ward has many tourism resources that do not generate economic value. For example, Shibuya's scramble crossing and Yoyogi Park, which are introduced on tourist guide websites, are free. Hachiko also allows visitors to take pictures for free. Nevertheless, there is no land available to build new theme parks or parks. This is why digital technology such as VR is needed.
On the other hand, Osaka will host the Expo in 2025, so Mr. Hayashi said that the theme of the project is to communicate the city's attractions in preparation for the Expo. In addition, a virtual pavilion is being created to convey the attractions of the Expo itself.
Citing the VR SNS, which was launched in June 2021, as an example, Mr. Kuroda pointed out that "the essence of the Metaverse is human-to-human interaction. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology, to which Mr. Kuroda belongs, has jurisdiction over education, sports, culture, science and technology, etc. "In short, many of these things can only be created through human connections," Mr. Kuroda said.
Mr. Kanayama points out that "not all cities have equal opportunities to provide solutions," but he says, "if big cities and the great outdoors use technology, they can provide super high value-added. This is because big cities have lots of people, so they will monetize their activities based on the assumption that many people will enjoy them. On the other hand, the great outdoors is more likely to be visited by urban technology. Therefore, combining the great outdoors with de-technology, such as AR and XR, and offering technology will work well.
The fact that the metaverse will create added value for things that have value but have not been able to create economic value until now is a great opportunity for Japan, which is heavily focused on the tourism industry. In addition, since this is a virtual world, the time required for preparation, such as noise and land acquisition, will be reduced, making the start of construction much smoother. In addition, by providing both onsite experiences and remote access, it will be possible to attract visitors from both Japan and overseas, and new businesses will be born. I am personally very interested in the fusion of nature and technology.
I wonder if one day the virtual and real worlds will merge.