tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/22

今日のボヤキ 3/22



  • 食料システムのトレンド


  1. 持続可能性の追求:近年、持続可能な食料システムへの取り組みが注目されています。環境にやさしい農業や食品生産、食品廃棄物の削減などが、持続可能性を実現するための重要なトレンドです。
  2. プラントベースの食生活:植物性食品の需要が高まっています。健康や環境に配慮した食生活の重要性が認識され、プラントベースの食品が注目を集めています。フードテック:食品産業のデジタル化や自動化が進み、新しい技術やサービスが次々と登場しています。人工知能やロボット技術を活用した自動化や、食品のオンライン販売、フードデリバリーなどが注目されています。
  3. ローカルフード:地域の農産物や食品を活用した「ローカルフード」の需要が高まっています。地産地消を支援する動きが広がり、地域の食文化や農業を守るための取り組みが注目されています。
  4. 食の多様性:世界中からさまざまな食文化が入り交じる時代になり、多様な食品や料理が注目されています。異文化交流やグローバル化が進む中で、世界中の食品が身近になり、多様性のある食生活が求められています。




  • 食料システムの将来のトレンド


  1. 食品のデジタル化:IoTやブロックチェーンなどの技術を活用し、食品の生産から流通、消費に至るまでの全プロセスをデジタル化することで、食品の品質や安全性を確保する取り組みが進むと予想されます。
  2. 持続可能性の追求:環境保護地球温暖化問題に対する取り組みがますます重要になる中で、持続可能性の高い食料システムへの取り組みが進むことが予想されます。例えば、食品ロスの削減、循環型の農業、再生可能エネルギーを活用した食品生産などが注目されます。
  3. プラントベースの食生活の普及:健康や環境に配慮した食生活が求められ、プラントベースの食品の需要が増えると予想されます。特に、人口が増加する都市部では、肉類の代替品としてのプラントベースの食品が需要を伸ばすことが予想されます。
  4. 家庭内食品生産の拡大:都市部での屋上やベランダでの野菜栽培や、家庭内での養殖など、家庭内での食品生産が拡大することが予想されます。これにより、食料の自給率が上がり、食料の安定的な確保が可能になると考えられます。
  5. 人工肉や代替肉の発展:健康や環境に配慮した食生活の需要が高まる中、人工肉や代替肉の需要が伸びると予想されます。これにより、従来の畜産業に代わる、新たな食品産業が生まれる可能性があります。




  • 食の再生と循環のプロセス


  1. 食品ロスの削減:食品ロスは、農場や生産者、卸売業者、小売業者、消費者の手間のかかるプロセスを経て作られた食品が廃棄されることです。食品ロスを削減することで、廃棄された食品を再利用することができます。
  2. 廃棄物のリサイクル:食品産業では、製品の残渣や副産物が生産されます。これらの残渣や副産物をリサイクルすることで、新たな製品を作り出すことができます。例えば、コーヒーのかすを再利用して、コーヒーカップやパッケージを作ることができます。
  3. 堆肥化:農場や食品製造工場の廃棄物を堆肥化することで、土壌改良や植物の栄養源として再利用できます。
  4. バイオガス化:有機物を分解することで発生するバイオガスを利用して、熱や電気を生成することができます。
  5. 食品加工技術の活用:残された食品を加工し、新たな製品を作り出すことができます。例えば、野菜の根や皮を使ったスープやジュースを作ることができます。
  6. 循環型農業:循環型農業は、畑での作物栽培や養豚、養鶏などの畜産を組み合わせて、有機物の循環を促進する農業形態です。これにより、農業生産物から生じる廃棄物を最小限に抑え、食品の循環を促進することができます。




  • バイオガス...?


  1. エネルギー源としての利用:バイオガスは、熱や電力を生産するためのエネルギー源として利用されます。バイオガス発電所では、バイオガスを燃焼させ、発生する熱エネルギーを電力に変換することができます。
  2. CO2削減効果:バイオガスは、化石燃料と比較して二酸化炭素の排出量が少なく、温室効果ガスの排出量を削減することができます。
  3. 有機質肥料としての利用:バイオガスの発酵過程で生成される残渣は、肥料として利用することができます。このようにして、循環型農業などでの有機物の再利用に貢献できます。
  4. バイオガス自動車の燃料としての利用:バイオガスは、圧縮されてガソリンやディーゼル燃料の代替として、自動車の燃料として利用することができます。
  5. 廃棄物の処理:バイオガスは、有機物を分解することで生成されるため、家庭や工場、畜産場などで発生する有機廃棄物の処理に利用することができます。これにより、廃棄物処理のコストを削減することができます。




  • 食の再生と循環のプロセスに関する論文や実験データ


"Sustainable food waste-to-energy systems assessment and implementation"(Nachtergaele et al., 2020)
"Food waste valorization: Methods, sustainability challenges, and opportunities"(Balogun et al., 2020)
"Life cycle assessment of food waste management options: A case study of Bangkok, Thailand"(Chiemchaisri et al., 2013)
"Waste-to-energy in the food supply chain: A review"(Monfared et al., 2019)





English edition


Today's Blurbs 3/22

Food System Trends
Trends in food systems vary from period to period and region to region, but include the following
Sustainability: In recent years, there has been a focus on sustainable food system initiatives. Environmentally friendly agriculture and food production, as well as the reduction of food waste, are key sustainability trends.
Plant-based diets: Demand for plant-based foods is on the rise. Plant-based foods are gaining attention as people recognize the importance of a healthy and environmentally friendly diet. Food tech: The food industry is becoming increasingly digitized and automated, and new technologies and services are constantly emerging. Automation using artificial intelligence and robot technology, online sales of food products, and food delivery are attracting attention.
Local Food: Demand for "local food" utilizing local produce and food products is increasing. Moves to support local production for local consumption are spreading, and efforts to preserve local food culture and agriculture are attracting attention.
Food diversity: In an age of diverse food cultures from around the world, a variety of foods and cuisines are attracting attention. As cross-cultural exchange and globalization continue to advance, foods from around the world are becoming more accessible and diverse diets are being sought after.
These trends are expected to continue to evolve.

Future Trends in the Food System
Future trends in the food system are expected to include
Digitization of food: Efforts to ensure food quality and safety are expected to advance by digitizing the entire process of food production, distribution, and consumption through the use of technologies such as IoT and blockchain.
Pursuit of sustainability: As efforts to protect the environment and address global warming issues become increasingly important, efforts toward a more sustainable food system are expected to advance. For example, reduction of food loss, recycling-oriented agriculture, and food production using renewable energy sources will be the focus.
Widespread use of plant-based diets: Demand for plant-based foods is expected to increase as people seek healthier and more environmentally conscious diets. Particularly in urban areas with growing populations, demand for plant-based foods as a substitute for meat products is expected to increase.
Expansion of home-based food production: Home-based food production is expected to expand in urban areas, including the growing of vegetables on rooftops and balconies and home aquaculture. This is expected to increase food self-sufficiency and ensure a stable food supply.
Development of artificial and alternative meats: Demand for artificial and alternative meats is expected to grow as the demand for healthier and more environmentally friendly diets increases. This could lead to the creation of a new food industry to replace the traditional livestock industry.
These projections are only examples and trends in the food system are expected to change.

The Process of Food Regeneration and Recycling
The process of food reclamation and circulation can be accomplished in the following ways
Reducing food loss: Food loss is the disposal of food that has been produced through labor-intensive processes by farms, producers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. Reducing food loss allows for the reuse of discarded food.
Waste Recycling: The food industry produces product residues and by-products. By recycling these residues and by-products, new products can be created. For example, coffee grounds can be reused to make coffee cups and packaging.
Composting: Waste from farms and food production plants can be composted and reused to improve soil or as a source of nutrients for plants.
Biogasification: Biogas produced by decomposing organic matter can be used to generate heat and electricity.
Utilization of food processing technology: Leftover food can be processed to create new products. For example, vegetable roots and peels can be used to make soups and juices.
Cyclical agriculture: Cyclical agriculture is a form of agriculture that combines crop cultivation in the field and livestock farming such as pig and poultry farming to promote the circulation of organic matter. This minimizes waste from agricultural products and promotes food recycling.
These methods are just a few examples of how food reclamation and circulation can be achieved and must be addressed throughout the food system.

Biogas is a gas produced by the fermentation of organic matter and consists primarily of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas has the following usefulness
Use as an energy source: Biogas can be used as an energy source to produce heat and electricity. In a biogas power plant, biogas is burned and the thermal energy generated can be converted into electricity.
CO2 reduction effect: Biogas emits less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Use as organic fertilizer: Residues produced in the biogas fermentation process can be used as fertilizer. In this way, it can contribute to the reuse of organic matter in recycling-oriented agriculture, etc.
Use as fuel for biogas vehicles: Biogas can be compressed and used as fuel for vehicles as an alternative to gasoline or diesel fuel.
Waste treatment: Since biogas is produced by decomposing organic matter, it can be used to treat organic waste generated by households, factories, and livestock farms. This can reduce the cost of waste disposal.
As described above, biogas can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including as an energy source, fertilizer, automobile fuel, and waste treatment. Biogas is also expected to contribute to waste recycling and reduction of greenhouse gases in a recycling-oriented society.

Papers and experimental data on food reclamation and recycling processes
There are many papers and experimental data on the process of food reclamation and recycling. Some of the most representative ones are introduced below.
"Sustainable food waste-to-energy systems assessment and implementation" (Nachtergaele et al., 2020).
This paper proposes a method for assessing and implementing food waste-to-energy systems. Specifically, it compares two technologies, biogas power generation and methane conversion, and analyzes them in terms of energy production, environmental impact, and cost.
"Food waste valorization: methods, sustainability challenges, and opportunities" (Balogun et al., 2020).
This paper summarizes research on food waste reclamation and recycling and describes methods such as biogas, composting, energy recovery, and chemical treatment. It also discusses the sustainability of these methods.
"Life cycle assessment of food waste management options: A case study of Bangkok, Thailand" (Chiemchaisri et al., 2013).
This paper conducts a life cycle assessment (LCA) of food waste management options in Bangkok, Thailand, and compares the environmental impacts of waste disposal. Specifically, it evaluates incineration, composting, biogas generation, and energy recovery methods.
"Waste-to-energy in the food supply chain: A review" (Monfared et al., 2019).
This paper presents research on methods to produce energy from waste in the food supply chain. Specifically, it describes technologies such as biogas, energy recovery, incineration, and chemical treatment.
Although these papers are only examples of research on food reclamation and recycling, they may be helpful as a representative sample. You can also search various academic databases (PubMed, Scopus, etc.) for more detailed information.