今日のボヤキ 3/21
- 心が通じる...?
- ストーリーテリング...?
- 記憶に残る:人々は、単に情報を聞くよりも、ストーリーを通して情報を聞く方が記憶に残りやすいとされています。ストーリーには、感情、人物、コンフリクトなど、人々が自然に覚える傾向がある要素が含まれています。
- 感情を呼び起こす:ストーリーは、読者や聴衆の感情を呼び起こすことができます。人々は、ストーリーの中で起こることに共感し、自分自身をストーリーの中の人物と同じ立場に置くことができます。
- 人々を結びつける:ストーリーは、人々を共通の経験や目的に結びつけることができます。ストーリーを通して、人々は自分たちが共有する価値観や信念について話し合ったり、意見を交換したりすることができます。
- 洞察力を深める:ストーリーは、人々に洞察力を深める機会を提供することができます。人々は、ストーリーの中で起こることから、自分自身や他人について新しい理解を得ることができます。
- 説得力を持たせる:ストーリーは、論理的な説明や理由付けに比べて、説得力を持たせることができます。ストーリーには、読者や聴衆に共感を呼び起こす要素が含まれており、そのため、人々はより自然な形でストーリーに納得することができます。
- どのツールが最も効果的...?
- 事実よりも人...?
- 共感が人を動かす...?
・「The Neural Bases of Social Pain: Evidence for Shared Representations with Physical Pain」という論文によると、社会的な痛みや拒絶について話し合った際には、脳内の痛み処理に関連する領域が活性化されることがわかっています。これは、社会的な痛みが身体的な痛みと同様に脳内で処理されることを示しています。つまり、共感的な対話によって、相手が感じる痛みや苦しみを自分自身が感じるかのように理解することができるということです。
「Oxytocin enhances the encoding of positive social memories in humans」という論文によると、オキシトシンは、ポジティブな社会的な体験を記憶するための脳内プロセスを改善することがわかっています。共感的な対話やストーリーテリングによって、人々は自分自身や周囲の人々に対する感情的なつながりを強めることができ、共感を通じてポジティブな体験を記憶しやすくなるということです。
・「The Power of Storytelling: Using Narrative for Social Change」という報告書によると、ストーリーテリングは、人々に感情的なつながりを作り出し、共感を促すことができるとされています。ストーリーテリングによって、人々は他者の立場に立って自分自身を想像することができ、共感的なつながりを感じることができます。さらに、ストーリーテリングによって、人々は複雑な問題について理解を深め、社会的な問題に対する行動を促すことができます。
English edition
Today's blurbs 3/21
A heart-to-heart connection...?
To create an emotional connection, there are several ways to do this, including
∙ Communicate empathetically.
It is important to empathize with and understand the feelings and emotions of the other person. It is important to put yourself in the other person's shoes and think about how you would feel if you were in that situation. Also, by listening carefully to what the other person is saying and asking questions, it will be easier for the other person to express his or her own feelings.
Storytelling is a very effective way to move people emotionally. Storytelling can communicate complex issues in a concise, easy-to-understand way, and it can create an empathetic connection through narrative. Stories that incorporate your own experiences and emotions are much easier for your audience to relate to.
Nonverbal communication.
People read the emotions and feelings of others not only through words, but also through nonverbal signs and facial expressions. By nodding and making facial expressions while listening to others, you can empathize with what they are saying.
Share a common goal.
Sharing common goals and values can deepen your connection with the other person. Having common goals and values creates a sense of trust and solidarity with the other person, which in turn creates an empathetic connection.
As described above, emotional connections can be created through empathic communication, storytelling, nonverbal communication, and sharing common goals.
Storytelling is a very important tool for conveying information, moving people, gaining insight, and making people empathize.
Here are a few reasons why storytelling is important
Memorable: People are more likely to remember information when they hear it through a story than when they simply hear it. Stories contain elements that people tend to remember naturally, such as emotions, people, and conflicts.
Evoke emotion: Stories can evoke emotions in readers and audiences. People can relate to what happens in the story and put themselves in the same position as the characters in the story.
Bring people together: Stories can connect people to a common experience or purpose. Through stories, people can discuss and exchange ideas about their shared values and beliefs.
Deepening Insight: Stories can provide opportunities for people to deepen their insight. People can gain new understandings about themselves and others from what happens in a story.
Persuasive: Stories can be more persuasive than logical explanations and reasoning. Stories contain elements that evoke empathy in the reader or audience, and thus people are more naturally convinced by the story.
As described above, storytelling is a very important tool not only to convey information, but also to evoke emotions, connect people, deepen insights, and persuade.
Which tools are most effective...?
Statistics, marketing, and storytelling are both methods used to understand and communicate information, but each has its own unique similarities and differences.
Purpose: The common purpose of statistics, marketing, and storytelling is to understand and communicate information. Each method uses data and stories to inform people.
Perspective: Statistics, marketing, and storytelling may all have a specific perspective. Statistics seeks to understand a problem from a scientific perspective by analyzing data. Marketing seeks to understand the needs of a market from the perspective of selling a product or service. Storytelling focuses on specific people or issues and promotes understanding through stories.
Format: Statistics often convey information in the form of numbers and charts. Marketing often conveys information in the form of business plans, promotions, advertisements, and marketing campaigns. Storytelling often conveys information in the form of a narrative.
Persuasion: Statistics and marketing attempt to persuade based primarily on logical reasons. Storytelling, on the other hand, attempts to persuade by evoking emotions and encouraging empathy.
Types of Purpose: Statistics are used primarily for scientific or business purposes. Marketing aims to sell a product or service. Storytelling may be used for broader purposes, such as social issues, personal experiences, or connections between people.
As mentioned above, statistics, marketing, and storytelling are common methods used to convey information, but each has its own format, persuasive power, and type of purpose.
People rather than facts...?
Situations where empathy rather than data is needed are primarily in issues related to people's emotions and values. For example, when talking about social issues or personal experiences, simply presenting data is not enough to appeal to people. In such cases, it is useful to convey information in an emotionally evocative format such as storytelling. Storytelling can emotionally move people through a narrative and encourage empathy.
Also in marketing, it is difficult to appeal to consumers by explaining only the features of a product or service. Since emotions and values play a major role in consumers' choice of products and services, it is necessary to evoke empathy in consumers.
On the other hand, for scientific issues, data and statistical information are very important. Data is a fundamental source of information for understanding scientific issues and provides the necessary basis for scientific conclusions. Therefore, the use of data is the primary method for scientific issues.
Empathy moves people...?
Empathy moves people because it creates an emotional connection and allows for a deeper understanding of the other person's perspective and situation. Empathic dialogue and storytelling help people strengthen their emotional connection to themselves and those around them, making it easier to elicit emotional responses through empathy.
Experimental data shows that empathic dialogue and storytelling stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin in people's brains. Oxytocin promotes social bonding, trust, and cooperation, and it has been shown that this hormone is released when people feel an empathic connection.
Experiments using EEG measurements have also shown that empathic dialogue and storytelling activate empathy-related regions in the brain. Empathic dialogue and storytelling activate empathy-related regions in people's brains, which strengthens their emotional connection and enables them to empathize with others.
As described above, empathy plays a very important role in motivating people, as shown by the experimental data.
Below are some papers and data on why empathy motivates people.
According to the article "The Neural Bases of Social Pain: Evidence for Shared Representations with Physical Pain," regions of the brain associated with pain processing are activated when social pain or rejection is discussed. This means that when social pain is discussed, the areas of the brain associated with pain processing are activated. This indicates that social pain is processed in the brain in the same way as physical pain. In other words, empathic dialogue allows us to understand the pain and suffering felt by others as if we ourselves felt it.
The article "Oxytocin enhances the encoding of positive social memories in humans" shows that oxytocin improves the processes in the brain for remembering positive social experiences. Empathic dialogue and storytelling help people strengthen their emotional connection to themselves and those around them, and through empathy, they are better able to remember positive experiences.
According to the report "The Power of Storytelling: Using Narrative for Social Change," storytelling can help people create emotional connections and promote empathy. Storytelling allows people to imagine themselves in the shoes of others and to feel an empathic connection. In addition, storytelling can help people better understand complex issues and inspire action on social issues.
As the above papers and data show, empathic dialogue and storytelling allow people to strengthen their emotional connections and empathize with others.