tomoki0kun’s diary


今日のボヤキ 3/16

今日のボヤキ 3/16





iOS 15.4」の目玉は、マスクを着用したまま「Face ID」でロックを解除できるようになることだ。従来はApple Watchと組み合わせる必要があったが、それが不要となる。

 この機能を利用するには、「設定」アプリの[Face ID とパスコード]セクションで[マスク着用時 Face ID]というオプションを有効化し、顔をカメラでスキャンする(このプロセスはOSをアップグレードした直後にも案内される)。メガネをしている場合は一旦外してから顔をスキャンし、メガネをしている状態でもう一度顔をスキャンする必要がある。セットアップが完了すると、次回からはマスクをしたまま端末のロックを解除できるようになる。









English edition


Today's Blur 3/16

Today's blurb is good news for all you iPhone users out there!

With the loss of fingerprint recognition on the iPhone, faceID must have been inconvenient in the masked life of the Corona Disaster.


The centerpiece of iOS 15.4 is the ability to unlock with Face ID while wearing a mask. Previously, this had to be combined with the Apple Watch, but that will no longer be necessary.

 To use this feature, activate the option "Face ID when wearing a mask" in the Face ID and Passcode section of the Settings app and scan your face with the camera (this process is also guided immediately after upgrading the OS). If you are wearing glasses, you will need to remove them and scan your face, then scan your face again while wearing the glasses. Once the setup is complete, the device can be unlocked with the mask on next time.


I knew about this information a few weeks ago, but the release came sooner than expected, and I immediately updated my device to use the new version.

However, there is a limitation that it requires iPhone 12 or later, so sorry if you have an earlier model. ....


I think the most important part of this update is probably the "eyes".

Women can use makeup to make their eyes look like other people's, so I think it's clear that security concerns cannot be completely dismissed.